Terry is staying nights--while I go home to take care of "boys", catch up on mail, etc. Kurt will be leaving VA on Thursday to come for a visit.
Must tell all of you to read between the lines. We are needing a miracle for Pop to recover. He has an extremely serious disease process going on. The radiation and chemo may slow that process even reduce the spread but will not "cure" him. This is terminal. The PET scan may or may not be able to provide a primary site. The cancer in his bones is throughout his body. The MD's have all been very adamant about keeping him comfortable.
Dr. Moore encouraged Pop to eat more to nourish the good cells to be able to tolerate the effects of chemo/radiation. He has ordered some special milk shakes and wants Pop to eat 3 a day. Now the we have all the invasive/fasting testing completed we can focus on the meals. The pain medication also "taints" the taste of food. Hopefully, we will also see some response from the Megace (appetite enhancer).
Now with all that being said--I do believe in God's healing power for Pop and for all of us. I am not interested in percentages of survival nor life expectancy. Please keep the positive thoughts and prayers coming Pop's way.
I stopped by Monday evening for a bit. Terry and I had a nice visit. Sonny slept most of the time. When the nurse came in she asked him if he was in pain he said, "No." But then he said, "Yes, the Red Sox lost." He told me he was going to fight this. Love you all.
Tracy---your visit did mean a lot to him. The pain medication has put him on another level of consciousness. He told me you came to visit. Doc Paul came in the afternoon and Sonny also told him and commented "Dave really has some good kids." Doc agreed. I also agree---You are all special to us. Thanks for taking the time to stop and visit. Terry also enjoyed your visit.
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