Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Pop drove the truck to the golf course yesterday, visited with his golf buddies and then let me drive him to McD's for the "meeting." (First time I have ever driven the truck.)
Pop is eating better--(thanks Vicki and Joe for the enchiladas, refried beans, chips and framed pic of the lasagna clan). He weighed in at a strapping 135 lbs this AM. In general, says he is feeling better. Plan to take Jan for a tour of Wichita today. It is windy and cold, good day for being in the car.

Pop is getting ready to leave for the McD meeting. The cancer group asked if he wanted to join a support group while he was in the hospital. Pop declined--said he had his own support group. Thanks to all his McD buddies for being there for him!

As always, please keep Pop in your thoughts and prayers.



Julie W. said...

I remember one hockey game last year at first intermission Sonny was beaming ear to ear. He couldn't wait to tell us about his new truck and how he had gotten it. It was a great story, infact the story continued into the 2nd intermission. He just couldn't stop talking about it. It is wonderful to hear he is feeling good enough to drive his truck again!
Hugs and prayers!
Julie Wiens

Just Ma said...

Thanks for sharing. Driving his truck was a major event. It was great to see him behind the wheel. We just talked today about returning to the hockey games. Kevin indicated he would take him, even get him to his seating area in a wheel chair (if necessary)and leave when Pop said he was ready to leave. That will be another major step. Right now his reserves are low---would bet his Hgb is under 9. He improves each day. Sees the oncologist on Friday for lab and make plans for next round(s) of chemo.
Glad you are on the blog with us--we love you kids!