Have family members on their way to HI for some vacation time--Enjoy!!! Kat made it home safely. Busy day/week here.
Stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom
Have all of you in my thoughts as we are approaching the end of the week. Stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom
Now on to the Primrose. Tell myself each spring to pull it up and move on--the foliage is weepy, sparse, spindly---then I take a look at the bloom and cannot bring myself to get rid of it. If you look close (Click on it) you can catch some of the volunteer rose moss that comes up around it every year. The blossom is so fragile, lasts only one day but the color is great.
Have a busy day planned--off to Mass, volunteer at rectory for a short while, run some errands, then home to spread/fill in low areas with more soil/dirt and then begin outlining the spaces to spread the rocks to extend the shade garden at the side of the house. Plan to order firewood this week. Most of all am anxious to have Kat in for a visit.
Want to close w/happy kids. This what I mean when I tell all of you to stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch. Colton and Audrey's (my great grandchildren) first day of school. Hope Becky also gets a pic of Taylor's first day of school---He was also real excited yesterday about his first day of school today.
Love, Mom
Have said it over and over---coming to the end of the growing season but some flowers continue to flourish. What a bonus to see the beautiful Morning Glories--also all volunteers. This is as close as I could come to Christmas lights--Don't the trumpets look illuminated?