Came home yesterday, at noon, to let the "boys" out to do their business--doors/gates shut. Carpenters went to lunch. Spencer decided to make a break through an opened garage door. Buster and Rowdy began raising all kinds of ruckus. I got ready to leave and noticed Spencer was gone. Drove all over our neighborhood, windows down on the car, hollaring his name/whistling, shaking his food container with no results. Called some neighbors to ask them to be on the lookout. Then thought---surely he wouldn't have made it to 37th---got back in the car---headed to 37th and what to my "wandering" eyes should appear but a white ball of fur taking the east route on 37th. Pulled in a nearby driveway got out and in a friendly voice, all the while shaking the food container, called him. He ran to me--but no licking or appearing happy to see me---because he had obviously stopped off at a barbeque on his outing and still had his mouth stuffed full of grilled barbequed meat. Called off the neighborhood search parties, jumped back in the car and made it back in time to help with school enrollment.

The Crepe Myrtle in the back yard is loaded w/buds. Took some "before" pics and will send more after it blooms. Looking forward to the siding job to be completed so I can be out in the yard and begin some projects.
Stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
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