The side fence is just glowing w/Morning Glories (all volunteers). Have them growing on cattle pen wiring. They are such strange plants--such survival in them. They wither in the heat and you suspect they will not make it through the day only to perk up in the evening and especially the next morning. A true work of nature--they are "pulling" in their leaves to preserve moisture so the blossoms can strut their stuff. Now is that neat?!
Think I may have sent this same Crepe Myrtle when it was only at bud stage---Ta--Dah---now presenting it in full bloom. Surprised the limbs can hold all the full blooms. The bees love these plants.
As for me---I too am also in "full bloom"--- dressed, ready to go to Mass, volunteer a couple hours at the rectory, then home to do yard work. Got a lot done outside yesterday, moved rocks, trimmed some shrubs, prepped a flower bed for shade garden, took a nice nap, read some, yada, yada, yada. Someday I will throw something exciting in the mix and shock the socks off myself.
Stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Yada, Yada, Yada... reminicent of Seinfeld. I may need a phone call.
Enjoying my morning reading. It is so much better than the Eagle.
Thanks Vic. My Blogs are bigger than the entire paper and also a better price----free!
Love ya,
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