Think I may have sent this same Crepe Myrtle when it was only at bud stage---Ta--Dah---now presenting it in full bloom. Surprised the limbs can hold all the full blooms. The bees love these plants.
As for me---I too am also in "full bloom"--- dressed, ready to go to Mass, volunteer a couple hours at the rectory, then home to do yard work. Got a lot done outside yesterday, moved rocks, trimmed some shrubs, prepped a flower bed for shade garden, took a nice nap, read some, yada, yada, yada. Someday I will throw something exciting in the mix and shock the socks off myself.
Stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Yada, Yada, Yada... reminicent of Seinfeld. I may need a phone call.
Enjoying my morning reading. It is so much better than the Eagle.
Thanks Vic. My Blogs are bigger than the entire paper and also a better price----free!
Love ya,
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