Sunday, August 2, 2009

Day of Rest at Ma's

Plan a quiet day around the ranch. Off to Mass, maybe breakfast w/some friends, play w/the "boys", read, and chill. Worked in the yard most of yesterday, weeding, trimming shrubs, edging the lawn, mowing, and moving/unloading another wagon full of rocks. It is a beautiful morning, 56 degrees, the birds are singing, the whole summer morning thing going on and without my help---love it---just enjoying it.

This pic was taken 07/27/09 (Double click for wonderfull color and details). Love the colors together. Another MN plant (purple one). It is a Camelot coleus settled in w/the Marigolds and yellow Zinnias. Seems like I have a lot of MN plants. This one actually came in a package this spring from MN. Know I have described the coleus before so will not repeat myself---will just say--it is beautiful!!
Rowdy has been under the weather. Has been to the Vet 2 times in a week and has distressing episodes displaying neck/shoulder guarding. Now have him on 4 medications--(including inflammation, stomach, pain, muscle relaxation medications). He is now 7 1/2 years old. I would hate to think he has started displaying these symptoms just to obtain "drugs." I hate to have him on these medications and am actually thinking of looking into taking him to a dog chiropractor--we'll see.
Have a great rest of the weekend, stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch. (Guess who is planing a trip to Hawaii, guess who is now taking their dog on business appts, guess who is recovering well from a recent surgery? Yada, yada---keep in touch.)


Kurt said...

I think you should have Rowdy discuss this with his physical therapist or his personal trainer before you continue.

Just Ma said...

You are a hoot---Thanks for you concern!
Love, Mom