Saturday, August 22, 2009

One for me---one for you...

...Or is it two for you and none for me? Or is it----We will need some real serious help to move these last two monoliths. Jacob and Taylor came to mind. Know the neighbors are entertained by my goings on----Have spent most of the morning loading and hauling rocks. I get a running start across the driveway so I will not lose my mometum going through the grass only to find myself eventually going in slow motion. Did you know you could pull a wagon going backwards, forwards, left/right handed? I feel like I am doing the geriatric Hokey Pokey---have even caught myself humming it during the wagon pulling run. Plan to write the Olympics Event Committee and see if this event can be added along with the mole toss.
Later---this should end the chain of blogs today.

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