Busy day yesterday, Mass, rectory volunteering, "boys" to groomer, meeting to make arrangements for late August event, filled up/washed car (in car wash), made lots of calls, worked in the flowers, had a bite to eat w/some friends, and all before the wonderful rain started.
Nasturtium (above) via MN---Kat sent these seeds to me. The plants got rather "leggy", trimmed them back and they are really going to town. The pics do not do them justice. The creamy color is really beautiful and the foliage has recovered nicely.
White Crepe Myrtle in the back yard. Grooming it to be tree-like rather than a shrub. It is coming a long very nice and has been beautiful and full of blooms this summer. I am surprised each summer by the transformation in the plants. They have not held back this year---think they know I need their beauty in my life.
Off to Mass, then to school to finish the enrollment process. Wish all of you good health, be safe, and keep in touch.
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