This date is very special to me. It is the feast day of St. Monica and I am including a brief comment said by St. Monica about her burial. "Bury my body anywhere; it does not matter. Do not let that disturb you. This only I ask - that you remember me at the altar of God wherever you may be." (St. Monica to her sons as she lay dying far from home.) Kelli also traveled all over the world and has been remembered in many Masses throughout the world---thus thought it would be an appropriate day.
Also wanted to include---“Throughout the history of the Church, Christians have seen the universe as evidence of God’s existence. The order, harmony, and beauty of the world point to an intelligent Creator. The purposefulness of creation from the inanimate to human life similarly points to a wise Creator. The fact that all visible things come to be and eventually pass out of earthly existence points to an eternal Creator who has no beginning and no end and who sustains all that He has created.” (cf. CCC, no. 32).
Please remember our family in thoughts and prayers, stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
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