Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Different stages of the Cosmos--from bud to bloom to spent to droop. Kind of like a poor attempt at a still shot on the growing scenes of a Sunday night Disney nature special. These are certainly Kansas plants---they are hardy enough to endure the wind and even sway in rhythm to the wind---really wispy beautiful in a strange sort of way.

This Kale is another volunteer plant this year. I bed down the plants w/pulverized leaves each fall/winter, compliments of Keith and have really been surprised of the plants that return. The Coleus plants broke off from the original potted plant--were placed in water to root and re-planted in the garden area. The ajuga at the top is yet another variety of the one featured yesterday.
Busy week in store. Have all of you in my thoughts as we move forward and ask all to stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

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