Thirty-four degrees, dry, no breeze...Would love to give a little white, growling all night, dog away. He growled off and on (a lot) most of the night. I tossed and turned (a lot) most of the night trying to get back to sleep every time he growled. Really a vicious cycle. This morning---we are both tired and I am growling. The creatures in this house are all walking softly this AM trying to avoid the grouchy one.
Should be a great day for Pinochle. This is card day and a little uneasy as to my game skills. It is really a complex game---too many cards (20), too many sequential things, too much counting (runs, marriages, Pinochles, etc.). Remember, I am all about the fun of the game. Today may not be fun if you get my drift. Maybe they will re-name the game to "Off the Wall Pinochle." Seriously, will try to focus, focus, focus...
Planned to work in my office yesterday---Didn't! Will save it for tomorrow. Off to Mass this AM, run an errand or two and then cards.
Hope your day is focused on staying healthy, safe, and keeping in touch.
Love, Mom