Thursday, October 30, 2008


8:22pm CST: Finally received results of last lumbar bone lesion biopsy. Pop has carcinoma (cancer). Pop will begin radiation therapy as soon as possible---maybe even tomorrow along with chemo. They are unsure of the primary but the the combination of chemo given once a week has the potential to treat several systems/organs. Terry is staying with Pop tonight and I will be with him tomorrow. Pop told Dr. Buth---"at least we now know what we are working with" and told me he intends to fight it. Heading for bed---will post more tomorrow. Pop has felt so bad the last couple of months---it is almost a relief to be moving on with treatment.
Keep Pop in your thoughts and prayers.


Ms. Maitri said...

I'm glad that they can finally start chemo. I work close to St. Francis so if anyone wants to grab lunch let me know. You are all in my prayers.


Just Ma said...

Thanks---we are finally getting something moving--Terry is here from TX and has been a life saver. Glad you are on the blog---Kathy (daughter) thought it would a great idea to blog so everyone hears the same thing---with our big family and many friends it really is a great idea.