If it feels like Spring it must be Spring so here are my Spring Crocus pics. Woke up this AM to 58 degree, to a no wind, crisp day.
Have a lot planned today/this weekend---Go to Mass, volunteer in the rectory this AM, run an errand, come home and work in the yard all day. Keith reluctantly let me use his wheel barrow--he wanted to be attached to it---told him I was quite able to haul the dirt to areas in flower beds, would not over load it---and if he would not lend it to me---would buy one or line my wagon w/trash bags. Guess who has the wheel barrow? Thank you Jacob for bringing it to your Ma. Thank you Keith for allowing me to do my thing. Will put it to good use this weekend---hauling rocks and soil to a new flower bed.
In the meantime---Wish you a great end of the week---stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom
Hey, save some dirt and rocks for me!
It will be a race---I promise to probably have some left over. I am just looking forward to seeing you soon. Love, Mom
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