Sunday, November 30, 2008


Yea----Pop is back--he wanted me to tell you football was great yesterday---all favorite teams won---and he is eating everything in site!
His plan today is more of the above. He invited Joan, Denise, and Gary to join him and Jan for a lasagna lunch today. Everyone lives so far away---it is great to get them together.

Everyone--please keep the good thoughts and prayers coming Pop's way!!!


Saturday, November 29, 2008

The visit goes on

Pop had a captive audience (Jan just woke up--and the "boys" were soooo happy to see their main man.

The first day at home was great---each day is great when Pop feels good. Pop is eating better, taking less medication, and loving visiting with family and friends.

Pop wanted me to thank Vicki and Lindsay for the sweet treats--ate 3 of LJ's cookies with milk and planning on some banana bread snacking later today. Terry left for home this AM. Kevin took Pop to the McD's meeting. Pop was tired but loved seeing his McD group.

Keep the good thoughts and prayers coming Pops way.


Friday, November 28, 2008

Home again and doing well

Home again and doing well. Visiting with his sister, Jan.

PS--Be sure and double click to enlarge pic.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Pop had the endoscopy yesterday---several ulcers were found and biopsied in his duodenum. The feeding tube was removed following the procedure and he was placed on a soft diet as well as a IV Nexium drip. He was drowsy most of the afternoon, ate some food, and was pleased that the ulcers can treated.

Father Jerome Spexarth made a special trip in the evening to visit with Pop. Terry indicated Pop was very upbeat after the visit. Father Jerome is a "Colwich boy" and seems Pop knows some of Father Jerome's relatives---go figure---Pop knows everyone. How wonderful it is that we have such special people in our lives-----mark that up as one more thing to be thankful for.

Terry, Pop, and I will be spending Thanksgiving Day in the hospital. (Pop needs to eat well, be up/around more and the blood counts need to improve before he can be released.) The hospital staff has been absolutely wonderful to us.

Continue to keep Pop in your good thoughts and prayers. We are looking forward to more family members arriving today and in the next few weeks.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Gallbladder stays, food stays, Pop stays

Pop will most likely be spending Thanksgiving in the hospital. They did a HIDA scan yesterday to check the function of the gallbladder. It is functioning and since Pop is a surgery risk----the removal of it will be delayed. If it acts up again it will be removed. Tube feedings as well as food by mouth is in progress. They may do an endoscopy to take a look at his esophagus since he mentioned some difficulty swallowing.

Pop will be taking a 3 week hiatus from chemo to regain some strength. Lauren and Lindsay are planning on a visit 12/6 thru 12/9---so the timing is perfect and he is looking forward to their visit.

Must tell all----this man is a saint to go through what he has and still have patience and graciousness to all those who care for him. WOW---I want to grow up and be just like him! Please keep the good thoughts and prayers coming Pops' way.


Monday, November 24, 2008

Let's have a cholecystectomy--why not?

The ultra sound showed a large stone and sludge in the Gall Bladder---Surgeon resident visited with Pop yesterday to lay out some plans for removal of gall bladder. Pop will visit with surgeon/Dr. Moore today to discuss surgery.

It's like we have Pop in for his 50,000 mile checkup---let's just fix everything--he has had biopsies, root canals, chemo, radiation, too many medications to mention and now a cholecystectomy----Oh gee--why not????

Please continue to keep those good thoughts and prayers coming Pop's way.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Pop had a rough evening--abd discomfort, nausea, and vomiting. Dr. Moore indicated a feeding tube needed to be inserted (via nose into small intestine) to provide nutrition. Pop agreed and it was inserted this AM. Pop also has gallbladder symptoms, ultra sound ordered/completed this AM. Pop has no other pain and off all medications. Dr. Moore indicated if having GB problems will consult surgeon and have GB removed.
Pop is really alert and back to his ole self----that is great. It has been wonderful being able to visit with him.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Pop's progress

Pop's progress:
Pop's lab is okay, counts are still low---but stable and weighing in at a strapping 136 lbs this AM. Medications are being reduced, feeling stronger, having some heartburn, and needing to increase calorie intake before discussion of being released from hospital. Otherwise, things remain the same--hoping for a quiet, restful, calorie filled weekend for Pop.

Family's progress:
Kathy is ill with upper respiratory stuff and will not be coming in this week. Everyone knows the importance of staying away from Pop if they are ill.
Kelli is leaving tomorrow to return to Colorado. (She cleaned the entire house--remind me to encourage her to return real soon).
Terry is still here and staying with Pop at the hospital every night (and also during the day).

Have been in touch (by phone or in spirit/mind) with all of our family this week and cannot tell you how special each and everyone one of you are to us. What a legacy you are to us!

Please continue to keep the good thoughts and prayers coming Pop's way.


Friday, November 21, 2008

Good Night / New Day

Hello, this is Vicki, guest blogging for Julia

Dad rested well yesterday. Terry arrived about 4pm and spent the night with Dad. He looks forward to getting home soon and being with "The Boys". I'm not sure if that is the 3 dogs or the Mickey D's coffee group.

Family, friends, and "The Boys" are a big help in this journey for Dad, and continue the prayers and good thoughts.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Pulling An All Nighter

Hi, this is Kat, guest blogging for Julia.

Mom spent the night at the hospital with Pop.  Her Herculean efforts to get lab results, even though lab computers were down resulted in more treatments for Pop.  His hemogloben was 7, white count down to 1.6. so pop was given 2 units of blood last night and the transfusion lasted well into the early hours of morning.

She says Pop is more alert, but nausea continues.  Immodium was added to medications to make him more comfortable.  And fans were added in the night to help with air flow (hospital maintenance were working on air conditioning, so no air flow through the ducts).

Please continue to keep Pop (and Mom) in your thoughts and prayers.  And since the white cell count continues to be down, the MD's are still discouraging company (other than family) in order to protect him from any infections.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

More on Pop

The oncologist visited Pop this AM and determined he would being staying in the hospital for a little longer. Lots of lab work, some adjustment of medications, and more IV fluids. Pop is resting comfortably though still has some nausea/vomiting that is controlled with IV medications.

Please continue to keep Pop in your thoughts and prayers. The white cell count continues to be down and the MD's discourage company other than family in order to protect him from any infections.

Terry is planning on returning tomorrow, Kat will be here Saturday and Kelli will be leaving on Sunday. Almost requires a score card to see whose on first. Glad we have all those wonderful in town and out of town kids to help and be with us during Pop's illness. God is good!!!!


Getting Fluids & Color Back

Hi, this is Kelli and I am guest blogging for Julia this morning.

We are awaiting a visit from the oncologist this morning and this will determine the prognosis of the treatments/therapy. They are modifying his medications and this will help a lot. He's experienced nausea and has been given medication to help prevent this. His hospital stay is intended to be overnight and we should expect to have him home this afternoon. His white blood count is low and the doctors have advised us to limit visitation.

Please keep the good thoughts coming in for Ray. We'll keep everyone posted on the news.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Back to the hospital

Pop received some IV fluids today as planned and has been hospitalized for further evaluation/reduction of medications, lab work, etc. All of the medications have left him very sedated, wanting to sleep all the time and not taking in enough nutrition or fluids.

They are also wanting to assure he does not have any infection going on since his white cell count is down to 2.5. The MD's are suggesting no company as long as his count is so low so please continue to keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

Kelli is still here and will post Blog in AM. I am spending the night with Pop and she will tend to the "boys" at home tonight.


Going in Circles

Pop had PET scan yesterday. Slept most of day from the medication. He is getting dehydrated again. Pop has an appt. with Dr. Moore tomorrow but called his nurse today to request lab and possible IV infusion to restore his fluids. We have an appt at noon for both. Will still see Dr. Moore tomorrow, obtain PET scan results and discuss reducing some of the sedative medications.

Seems we go in circles. Hopefully, we can get on the upward swing and break this cycle.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Testing and Radiation

Off to tenth radiation session followed by PET scan today. Post chemo nausea and vomiting hit Pop yesterday so he is back on the Compazine. (There are dietary restrictions prior to a PET scan--high protein, no carbohydrates or caffeine---then throw a dose of vomiting on top of it all and you get a cranky ole sick guy.) First, it seemed they were doing nothing----now they can't order enough tests. The PET scan will give information if chemo and radiation have been beneficial.

Our next medical outing will be Wednesday---lab and appointment with Dr. Moore to review PET/lab testing and discuss progress.

Good thoughts and prayers requested for Pop.


Sunday, November 16, 2008

Lounging with the "boys"

Nothing could be finer than lounging in the recliner with the "boys." Good day yesterday, great appetite---PBJ for lunch (made his own), went to mailbox to get the mail, chicken, potatoes/gravy for supper and no additional pain medication.

Kelli met some of the McD's group yesterday. Family and McD's group do more for healing than any chemo and radiation could ever do.

Today, Pop is a little rough. Took a pain pill after breakfast and now resting for awhile in recliner. (Also, slight sore throat). Everyday we have a good day is a treasure. We don't look at any days as bad---only bumps in the road. Pop's spirit stays strong and he is such a trooper.

Kevin is taking Pop to the McD meeting this AM.


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Putting Pop to work

Gottcha! Pop is feeling better but not well enough to do yard work yet---darn it! Pop slept well, eating better, taking no extra pain pills for the last 2 days, and getting stronger. YEA!!! Getting him in shape for the leaf raking party.

Weekend will be quiet except for trips to McD's. Pop really looks forward to the "meeting" of the minds with his buddies.


Friday, November 14, 2008

Another Beautiful Fall Day

Pop had a good night's sleep, no pain this am, ate a fair breakfast, no after effects of chemo, and hopefully off to a great day.

Kelli and I will drop Pop off at McD's this AM. Neither of us feel we would be accepted into the club and will busy ourselves elsewhere while the meeting is in session. Kurt loved the McD's gatherings and will most likely be experiencing withdrawl symptoms for several mornings.

Dr. Kelley (radiology oncologist) visited with us following yesterday's radiation appt. He recommended reducing one of the regular pain medications starting next Wednesday and then discussing more reductions if positive results. Next appt. with Dr. Kelley is 12/18/2008. There are more appts. scheduled for Pop. PET scan and last radiation will be Monday, 11/17/2008, lab and MD appt. with Dr. Moore, 11/19/2008 to discuss lab and PET scan results. Chemo schedule/protocol will be also be reviewed. Pop is currently on a 3 weeks on, one week off chemo schedule. Let's keep our fingers crossed the current treatment plan has been successful in reducing the bone lesions. The combination of the chemo/radiation has reduced the pain in his back.

Please continue to keep your good thoughts and prayers coming Pop's way.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

More for today

Kelli made it in this afternoon. Pop had 5 hours of chemo and tolerated it well. Planning on chilling out the rest of the evening.

Pop's Agenda

Pop weighed a strapping 139.5 yesterday. Discussed increasing diet or returning to hospital. A total of 2000+ calories were consumed yesterday-----Hmmmm. Already 420 this AM.

Off for appointments this AM. Radiation at 9:15am, visit with Dr. Kelley (radiology oncologist), then lab work at Dr. Moore's, followed by 2 rounds of chemo.

Kurt leaving this AM, Kelli in this PM.

Just found out Pop's chemo will last until 5:15pm today. Came home long enough to arrange for "boys" potty break and make their food dishes. Kevin is coming over to feed them before he goes to work, Vicki and Joe are picking Kelli up at the airport. Keith/boys come over in the evenings to help and visit with Pop. THANK YOU DEAR GOD for a wonderful (and large) family. All are truly a blessing!


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Pop's Agenda

These pics speak for themselves. (Awake to a beautiful fall morning, have that coffee, and plan for a visit to the golf course with Kurt sometime this am.) Add a trip to McD's, round of radiation, afternoon nap and the day should be complete. The outings and socialization sessions with his "elder homies" is key to keeping Pop's spirits up.
Added a new medication for nausea and vomiting (N/V) yesterday. N/V are common side effects of chemo and radiation. Really surprised they have not occurred before now. The medication seems to be doing the trick.
Has been great having Kurt here for visit and chauffeuring. He will be leaving tomorrow am and Kelli arriving in pm. The staggered visits have been great. Kind of spoils us to having one at a time to visit with. Will be nice when the radiation sessions are complete.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Kurt and Pop are bonding

TV on first thing in the morning watching sports recaps----doesn't get much better for Kurt or Pop! Do you suppose guys don't get it the first time around and have to recap, recap, recap? Just having Pop and Kurt bond is great. Pop likes it---Kurt likes it---.

Radiation went well yesterday. Dad got to go through the out patient process and met the girls at the front desk. (He was going through the back door when he was an in patient.) He was impressed by the girls at the front desk, radiation went well, "had more pictures taken" and now has 5 more sessions to go.

Pop was more active yesterday. Worn out by evening. The increased activity will help him regain his strength---but he will have to learn to pace himself so he doesn't run out of steam.

Pop slept well last night, appetite so-so yesterday, and slight pain in back this am. Can't get much more out of him because he is still TV sport recapping-------please, if there is anyone out there that can explain this recap phenomenon----CALL---I may need an intervention.

Good to have Pop home, regaining strength, and resuming some regular activities. His spirit stays strong, becoming more independent, and showing good humor. Keep the good thoughts and prayers coming Pop's way.


Monday, November 10, 2008

On the Go today

Pop slept well last night, took a pain pill for his back this morning, ate well (Kurt ran to Leekers and picked up a caramel long john), showered, and took a nap.

Terry left at 7:30am for home. Kurt and Pop went to go to McD's. Kurt enjoyed the outing as much as Pop. Linda will never forgive us if Kurt gets hooked and starts wanting to attend McD's coffee groups when he returns to VA.

We are having a Sonic hamburger/fries/cherry limeade/(malt for later) Combo for lunch and then off to radiation. You might say our life is a trip----an enjoyable one with Pop out of the hospital and feeling up to resuming some normal activities. He does tire quickly.

As always, each day with Pop is a good day----keep the good thoughts and prayers coming his way.


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Good Night's Rest for Pop

Pop's first night at home went well. Pop slept well, requiring less--(much less) pain medication, good appetite, etc. He did not want to go to Mickey D's this AM---just wanted to read newspaper and hang with his pups in recliner. Pop told Kurt he would like to go to Mickey D's tomorrow morning and then show Kurt a local golf shop.

We now have a new accessory in our living room (next to Pop's recliner). Linda contacted the Thunder to request a signed poster for Pop. They went one step better---all the players signed a stick---Kurt picked it up and gave it to Pop yesterday. Pop was speechless. Way to go Linda---what a hit--Pop loved it!

To this point--Pop has tolerated his chemo (2) rounds)/radiation(4 doses) well. The only noted side effects from chemo: bad taste in mouth following the infusion, slight headache, and fatigue for a couple of days. His strength is returning. He is getting around better and reporting less pain.

Terry plans to leave tomorrow. Kurt will be leaving on Thursday morning. Kelli will be here on Thursday. Kat will be here the 22nd. Jan in the 27th. (Know I have already repeated some of this). Pop has really enjoyed the visits. (I have also--but have to remember this is not about me).

Continue to keep those positive thoughts and prayers coming Pop's way.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Pop arrived home this AM. His "boys" were delighted to see him. He has had a good day. (You can enlarge the photo by clicking on it) .

Friday, November 7, 2008

Kurt made it in

Kurt made it in. We went to the hospital for a short visit. Pop received radiation/chemo and planning on discharge in AM.

Think Pop is getting there

Pop has covered lots of mileage and been down a lot of roads since this journey began. He had another good day yesterday--lab work came back "good", eating better, less pain in back, walked around the nursing station circle, watched some TV, snoozed, and admitted he was getting bored. Plan today is to receive 4th radiation treatment, chemo, in addition to more of the above. The goal is for dismissal home on Saturday.

Dr. Kelley visited with all of us yesterday, indicated radiation was going as planned, radiation approach through the hips to the back would hopefully alleviate GI upset, proceed with the ten sessions (daily, except on weekends), continue same medications as in hospital, anticipated would require less pain medication for back, would plan to take more x-rays the first of December. Suggested Pop receive pain medication prior to each radiation treatment---which we had already been doing.

Know all of you will continue to keep positive thoughts and prayers coming Pop's way.


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Good Days--Rough Days

Yesterday was a rough day for Pop. He required more pain medication, low grade fever, still eating well, tolerated 2nd radiation treatment but slept most of day. They assure us we will have up and down days. Terry calls it a little bump in the road--Pop agreed. As always, his spirits are good and very gracious to everyone.

Cannot tell you enough how accommodating all of the hospital personnel is with him. We discussed his out patient radiology appointment times yesterday and they opened a slot just for him at 1:00pm each day so he can work in the Mickey D meeting and lunch before radiation. He receives radiation treatments across the street from the hospital--it was windy but sunny yesterday---he talked them into taking him in a wheel chair instead of the van so he could "be outside for awhile." He looked like Run away Ray racing down the street in the wheelchair dressed in a jacket, gown, and hair blowing in the wind. He discussed golf with the attendant during the trip. Pop will have radiation at 10:30 today and then we (Pop, Terry, and I) will visit with the radiology oncologist today to discuss a discharge plan.

Pop may also have another round of chemo today. Will be decided after the oncologist and radiologist confer. Thursday should be his regular outpatient chemo days. Possibly plan on discharge by Friday.

Kurt is leaving VA today to come for a visit. Kelli should be here the week following. Kat will return in the following week, Jan should be here around the 27th and Terry will be back and forth between all of these visits. The "in town kids" have been a great help. The help is most welcome but most of all Pop loves to see his kids. Know he not real verbal in letting you know this but he loves all of you very much and you are all near to his heart. It is really hard to plan to know what is needed and what we can do for him---just being close to him in heart and prayers is our job right now and enjoy each day with him.

Everyone has been so great to express their feelings for Pop's recovery. A friend of mine at Church has requested a Mass be said for Pop on Friday, November 7, 2008. Everyone continue to keep Pop in your thoughts and prayers.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Good Day for Pops!

Pop required less pain medication yesterday, great appetite, and was able to visit with company. Vicki and Joe came for a visit. Father Jerome Spexarth made a special visit, left a rosary, blessed Pop, and we all prayed together. That meant a lot to Pop. It was the first day he has really felt like company. Some of Pop's buddies also came for an afternoon visit. Really made his day. It was a good day for him.

The MD's and the hospital staff are wonderful. They provide him with a morning paper, bring him anything he asks for to eat. His appetite is picking up. He is more alert. God is good!

Pop had the first of ten radiation treatments yesterday and tolerated it well. I spoke with the radiology oncologist (Dr. Kelley) about the results of the PET scan. He indicated there was no primary site found anywhere and said that occurs in 5% of this kind of cancer. He will work closely with Dr. Moore and they will adjust Pop's pain medication as we progress with radiation and chemotherapy. They are focusing radiation on his spine and SI joints at the present and then will move on to other areas as needed. Dr Kelley indicated the PET scan did confirm the bone lesions are diffuse throughout the body.

Again, the medical goal is to restore Pop to a functioning pain free level. We will take one day at a time and be thankful Pop is with us to enjoy that day. Keep the prayers coming!


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

PET Scan completd

PET scan completed/radiation to begin today. The PET scan will give them more info on the amount/location/"recipe" for the radiation. He is tattooed and ready to go. Requested pain medication for Pop before leaving for the PET scan. He returned to his room feeling good, wanting to eat, get back in his Pj's and told me: "Don't let the door hit you in the butt on your way out" when I told him I was going home for the night. That was a positive note--he is returning to his old ornery self.

Terry is staying nights--while I go home to take care of "boys", catch up on mail, etc. Kurt will be leaving VA on Thursday to come for a visit.

Must tell all of you to read between the lines. We are needing a miracle for Pop to recover. He has an extremely serious disease process going on. The radiation and chemo may slow that process even reduce the spread but will not "cure" him. This is terminal. The PET scan may or may not be able to provide a primary site. The cancer in his bones is throughout his body. The MD's have all been very adamant about keeping him comfortable.

Dr. Moore encouraged Pop to eat more to nourish the good cells to be able to tolerate the effects of chemo/radiation. He has ordered some special milk shakes and wants Pop to eat 3 a day. Now the we have all the invasive/fasting testing completed we can focus on the meals. The pain medication also "taints" the taste of food. Hopefully, we will also see some response from the Megace (appetite enhancer).

Now with all that being said--I do believe in God's healing power for Pop and for all of us. I am not interested in percentages of survival nor life expectancy. Please keep the positive thoughts and prayers coming Pop's way.


Sunday, November 2, 2008

Quiet Day for Pop

Pop has slept most of the day, poor appetite, took a shower, and back to bed. They started him on Megace (appetite enhancer) this morning. He will also continue on the Prenisone 10mg--MD indicated that was a low dose and would not be a concern.

As always---keep the positive thoughts and prayers coming Pop's way.


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Thumbs up for a good day

Good day for Pop. Was ravenous upon awaking (thanks to the 10mg of Prednisone), ate a great breakfast/lunch/dinner, had no side effects from the chemo, showered, wore T-shirt/pajamas and watched football on TV between snoozing. Am going to ask about the possibility of ordering some appetite enhancer medication so we can reduce the Prednisone. The increased Prednisone has been great but may compromise his immune system.

Kevin stayed with him this afternoon while Terry and I went to Church. One of Pop's golf/Mickey D gang stopped by for a visit. Am thinking more and more that the Mickey D's group goes back as far as the western indians and have a feeling they are going to be sending out their scouts to visit and report back how the "chief" is doing. This is the second scout that has stopped by. Would really be interesting to hear their report. These old guys are worse than a geriatric women's knitting group for knowing the news about everyone in the north end. I walked the boys this AM and had 4 north enders stop me to get an update. Where are those scouts when you need them---our walk took almost an hour?

Tomorrow he starts the diet prep (no carbohydrates, caffiene) for Monday's PET scan. Think they are also going to do some radiation on Monday. They have already marked the "X" spots of on his back and hips.

It has been a tough and long week for all of us. Be assured Pop has the upmost respect and confidence in all of his MD's. Medicine has a lot to offer but is limited. Pop's spirit has to stay strong. The strength of his spirit depends on each one of us keeping good thoughts and prayers coming his way and will provide more healing than any medicine.


Chemo and Radiation Plans

Pop received his first chemo yesterday, saw the radiology oncologist, had a borderline CT and will have a borderline PET scan on Monday. Then should also receive his first radiation therapy treatment on Monday. The combination of the both should chemo and radiation should help reduce the tumors in his bone, also actually work on the primary, alleviate the severe pain, make it possible to begin reduction of some of the medication, and restore him back to "normal" activities. Read the 10/28/2008 bone biopsy report: Diagnosis is "Carcinoma with neuro endocrine features." The markers for lung and prostate were negative. They suspect the primary was from either pancreas or small bowel. The borderline PET scan will possibly find primary and allow the MD's to compare in the future to see progress of chemo/radiation effects on the tumors. Both chemo and radiation are lo dose and should be well tolerated. Radiation therapy will be daily/chemo once a week.

Pop will most likely be released from hospital Monday or Tuesday of next week. They have increased his Prednisone so he is eating better.

We need to take each day as it comes and be thankful we are progressing forward with treatment in the hands of good MD's. Pop is a great patient, very complient, and just wanting to get better. Let's hear it for progress and keep those good thoughts and prayers coming Pop's way.
