Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Daffodils and Dear Ones

 (Daffodils: 2001 BD gift from Kelli---still blooms every year)

Snow melting, sun peeking in and out of the clouds, no breeze----nice. Can hardly wait for the ground to dry enough to be out and about in the garden.

Mass this AM for the intentions of our family. Attending monthly meeting this evening, Triduum services the rest of the week, maybe Shocker TV basketball tomorrow evening...

Really getting excited about April company---kind of feeling like a little kid----are they here yet!!!!????

Stay safe, healthy, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Rumor has it---even the snow leopards do not like Snow/Sleet/Fog/Rain/Overcast days.

So we do winter again---just days after celebrating the first day of Spring. Know we set our clocks ahead but do we also set the seasons backwards? Please give the answer to this strange phenomena. Oh, I forgot we live in KS and are considered somewhat backwards.

Mass this AM. Plan to do a little housework (sweep, dust, laundry, etc). Of course, there is always time for Spencer in between chores. He loves (demands)  the solitary attention but has a sense of sadness about him. At times I think he is in need a of a furry companion---then I come to my senses and silently scream "NO, NO, NO you silly old fool---don't give in to this pathetic dog's sad demeanor."

Looking forward to spending a quiet weekend. May have dinner w/a friend later today and. Catch up on some reading and some recorded TV shows.

Have a safe, healthy weekend and keep in touch. Looking forward to April---expecting some special house guests and fun times.

Love, Mom

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Mass this AM, volunteered at rectory, then home to eat breakfast and luv on Spencer. Most of the snow is melting, 35 degrees, sun shining, slight breeze----could turn out to be a nice day.

Worked out in the yard most of yesterday afternoon pruning and cutting down native grasses. Plan on cleaning vines off the fence in the next week. Really excited for Spring.

Have some special BD's this week---check your calendars. Mass for the special intentions of our family offered tomorrow at St. Patrick's at 8:00am. A special time to keep all of us and others in thoughts and prayers.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Monday, March 4, 2013

Just for Pop

 For those gone, but not forgotten.

 Thinking about how quickly the years have passed.  Just want to say thanks to our family for being part of our lives and sharing that time w/us.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom