Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Busy week and stuff

Mass this AM c/errands, volunteering at school, house cleaning, laundry, mowing, weeding, dogs to groomer, lunch/learn meeting, Holy Hour, and movie planned for the rest of the week. Now am hoping there are enough days this week to get all of this done. Just sounds busy----am glad to be able to stay busy.

Catch lili's blog---what fun and that garden is something else. Mass was said yesterday at St. Pat's for our family's special intentions.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Friday, June 8, 2012

Putzing AM and PM

Mass this AM.
Cool this AM.

Plan to run errands AM and PM.
House/yard work through AM and PM.
Work on sewing, staining projects around AM and PM.
Spend time w/the 3 "bobs" this PM.

That's my day---Hope yours is healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Ta Da Ta Da

Mass this AM, volunteered at rectory, ran an errand...trying to tie up some loose ends and stay on task to complete my "To Do List." Getting there. Plan to mow after the grass dries---always have mowing/yard work--nice. Should be nice day--mid 80's.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Monday, June 4, 2012

Chain Saws, pruners...

Tired of mowing around the hanging limbs/branches on the East side River Birch. Began trimming w/hand pruner---then brought out the "big gun"---my pole chain saw, to get to the higher limbs. Dragged some of the limbs to driveway, others to the backyard---cut most up to handle/throw over the back fence. Did the back field "Olympic Pitch." Will drag them back to my bird/animal blind when it cools down (95 degrees today) so I can wear long sleeves/long pants/socks/boots and avoid being tick bait. This was a 2 shower day (real humid).

Busy week---Daily Mass, lots of volunteering, errands, mowing, weeding, pruning the clematis aound Pop's plaque on the arbor... Mass offered at St. Patrick Church,  8:00am on Wednesday for the special intentions of our family. Nice.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch. Lots of birthdays this month/summer---nice.

Love, Mom