Wednesday, September 30, 2009

On the Go

Just got back from Mass, volunteering at the rectory, and running an errand. Really got a lot done yesterday---spreading out more top soil, moving more plants/rocks, mowed the lawn, and watered plants.

Planning emptying and cleaning out all the flower pots this week for winter storage. A good stay in the house day---It is overcast and windy. Might bring firewood in.
Have most of winter maintainance completed:-Fireplace/chimney sweep done, AC/Htg Fall check up completed yesterday, exterminator coming on Friday for Fall check to spray for bugs, crickets, spiders, etc. Getting ready to close down for winter. Still thinking/planning of winter projects--daily Mass, volunteering at rectory, working every 3rd Thursday noon for the Lord's Diner, driving a friend to MD appts, baking/trying new recipes, reading, listening to stereo/Ipod, sorting through plant catalogs to get planting ideas for next year. Oh, it just goes on and on the amount of tasks of nothing I can do to stay distracted---It seems to be working.
Task for you---to stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Cool Days

Forty degrees this AM. Busy day planned: Off to Mass, volunteer at the rectory for an hour, dentist appt for cleaning, then home to move more rocks/plants.

Got a lot accomplished yesterday, hope my trash men will not develop hernias emptying my trash---that is if I can pull the trash container to the curb---cleaned out canned goods and disposed of outdated food---what a shame---plan to buy only what I need and not stock up on sales. Note the reorganized cabinet. The "boys" loved it as I was on the floor and crawling back and forth across the floor shuffling cans from one cabinet to the other. Can tell you are all looking forward to retirement so you too can do trivial silly things like this. Have more to clean out if there are any offers to help---This does keep me off the streets.
All you must do today is stay safe, keep healthy, and be in touch.

Monday, September 28, 2009


Fall, Mass, run errands, work in yard (mow/edge/move more rocks), bring in firewood, rearrange a kitchen cabinet, mess with the "boys"----this is what I am about today---must get to it--get it done before sunset, reading, and sleeping.
To you--stay healthy, be safe, keep in touch, get in your cars, and come join in my fun.
Love, Mom

Sunday, September 27, 2009

More Fall

More Fall---more to do--loving doing it so will sign off and begin doing it.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Lots to do today. Been to Mass, store, plan to move more rocks, plants, and enjoy the crisp sunny day.

You stay healthy, safe, keep in touch and have a great fall weekend.

Love, Mom

Friday, September 25, 2009

Tough Day

Went to retina specialist for check up this AM. Had my eyes dilated at 9:00am and am still not seeing well---everything is real bright and glaring. My check up went well--"retina's are stable" and followup appt will be scheduled in 2 years. They used to have a medication they would use to stop the dilatation process but it is no longer available---bummer.

The painters are here today and they needed another 3 gallons of paint---Brailled my way to Home Depot to get the paint. Glad to be back home (safely).

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Busy Day

Back from Mass, ran errands, gassed up/washed the car, picked up a little around the house and plan to attend a Master Gardener, 1:00pm to 4:00pm session on shrubs/ornamental grasses. Have 3-1/2 days basic training to attend to keep up MG status (as well as other hours during the year).
Thanksgiving Plans: The VA group has confirmed, the MN member will also attend but will not rely on the VA motorist to stop by and pick her up after the last "missed" trip. Will be great to have Thanksgiving here again. All are invited---hoping to hear from CA, CO, NJ, NY, TX families. The KS group is mandatory---I know where you live and will do a drive by pick up. All kidding aside, let's all think about getting together for that week/weekend.
The Crepe Myrtle in the front is drooping from the weight of all the blooms. Think this is one of its longest blooming seasons. The pic does not do justice to the brilliant color. It has been a wonderful year for all the flowers. Have enjoyed working in them and staying busy. Have to give God credit for their beauty and keeping me busy---remember, I could be at your homes bugging you to pieces---that should bring for a big thank you to God from all of you.
Love all of you, wish you good health, safe keeping, and hope you will all stay in touch.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fall is Here

Officially Fall---45 degrees, sunshine, crisp morning, no breeze. Feel a pumpkin pie craving coming on. Enjoyed the "boys" being at the groomer yesterday--had the house/yard all to myself---got all but two of the ornamental grasses planted and moved a trellis. The "boys" are enjoying the cool morning (Double clck to see Spencer messing w/Rowdy). Painters called and are planning on coming as soon as the sun warms/dries off the house surface. Think about this---the painting may be done this week. That would be great!
Back from Mass, plan lunch with a friend at the Art Museum cafe, then getting things done in the yard. Thinking of emptying/cleaning out all the hanging planters to store for winter and loading firewood in the patio rack.
Hope your day goes well---work at staying healthy, safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mom's Day Off

"Boys" to Groomer at noon----2-3 hours without little shadows, barking, underfoot guys----Yea! No plans other than to enjoy the peace of it all.
Fall is here. Chilly (56 degrees), ground still wet from yesterday's rain, still have more ornamental grass and rocks to place. Thinking about moving or buying a couple more small shrubs to place around the east side walk way---will see. Mosquitoes are abundant---how is it they are so aerodynamically skilled at going straight for the ears? I do not use repellant only vinegar and try to cover all exposed skin. Still, it is like playing dodge ball with the pesty things.
Off to Mass this AM, run an errand and come home to settle in until noon. Hope your day goes well--stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch. Love, Mom

Monday, September 21, 2009

Day Off

Took the day off--just to rest an re-group. Busy weekend/busy week--too much done---too much planned...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Where is that Boy?

The old question---Where is Kurt and why isn't he anywhere to be found? Thought for sure he would have made it in by now with the stepping stone seeing that he was going through St Louis at around 7:00am yesterday. Bet he did stop in MN and is having coffee with Kat as I blog. We need to map out his route and do a where's Kurt (aka Waldo).
Had a nice first evening outing at the "event" in Augusta last night. Great company, saw some dear friends, listened to speakers who not only talk the talk but walk the walk, and had a great visit with the parish priest. Got home around 10:30pm.
Worked in the yard most of yesterday--did get some plants moved and new ones planted. Woke up to a cool, gentle rain this AM. Plan to enjoy my coffee, read, mess with the "boys", and chill today. Hope your weekend is going well--- ask all to stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Exciting busy day

Busy day. Back from Mass, took more pics of ornamental grass, and will begin the planting. Also, plan to move more established shade plants, move rocks, and putz, putz, putz.
Looking forward to going to Mass this evening in Augusta and hearing John Martinoni speak. Really enjoy the company of the ladies I will be going with---they are truly wise women. They do a lot behind the scenes at St Pat's and demonstrate their faith in a quiet manner. Love it!
Hope your weekend is restful. Do something healthy for yourself, stay safe, and keep in touch. Love, Mom

Friday, September 18, 2009

Yes! Yes !Yes!

They arrived---still have their netting on---even got 3 extra. The plants arrived in wonderful shape--nice and healthy. Will remove netting, water, and place in indirect light to acclimate. I ask all of you----How exciting does this get!?

Gotta go, am on the clock to get them taken care of. You know there will be more to come about the plants.
Love, Mom

Busy Day(s)

Had a wonderfully busy day yesterday. Mass, mowing/edging, meal preparation at the Lord's Diner, volunteer at the rectory, read...New puppy next door to the west (in a crate on the back deck--yapping early this AM. Up at 5:15am to the yapping. Let's all raise our hands to the sky that the puppy soon acclimates to its new surroundings.

Off to Mass this AM, to a friends house for coffee and flower/vegetable garden tour, stop by Extension Agency to pick up revised Master Garden Class schedule, then home to possible move some rocks and work on shade garden (This Hosta will be cut down and moved into the shade garden) . Have not checked on Fedex transit this AM for plants arrival.

Going to a Mass in Augusta on Sat evening w/friends to have hor dourves( sp) /wine and a lecture following (most likely will be lectured on gluttony and wine intake as will have not eaten prior to Mass). Church picnic Sunday---may go may not go---nice raffle prizes ($1,000.00 cash plus great prizes--must attend to win---bummer).
Please stay healthy, be safe, keep in touch, and sleep well w/o yapping puppies in your neighborhood.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Fall is here

The weather here is absolutely magnificent---crisp, low humidity, temp of 53 degrees, and the windows are now open until frost. Sleeping later in the AM's---having to start the day on the run to go to Mass and all of my "runnings around." Finished the mowing/edging and getting ready to head out to Lord's Diner.

The house painting will resume next week, or the next or the next... I am okay with that as they are doing a good job, everything has had one coat and will be fine. Update on Fedex ornamental grasses/plants status---they left Ellenwood GA this AM and are on their way to KS. Can you tell I am excited to see them arrive?

Keep your day healthy, be safe, stay in touch, value every moment of the time you're given and treasure the family and friends that surround you. Thanks to all of you for being a part of my life!

Love, Mom

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

To Do

Mass this AM, rectory stop, breakfast, and off to grab some groceries, then work in house, yard, catch up on reading, and play with the "boys." Same routine just a different day. It is nice to be retired and have leisure flexible time. It really doesn't matter if I don't get any of the above done (except Mass) because none of it is pressing----Wow---what time can teach you.

The arbor planting is in transition. Moving soil, rocks, and plants. Checked on my ornamental grass order and tracked it on UPS system---it is in GA. Should arrive this week. Saw it weighed 12 pounds. That is a total of 24 plants---figure 1/2 lb a plant will be manageable to maneuver.

Plan to volunteer at the Lord's Diner for food prep tomorrow at noon. Really glad I am doing that---nice group of people to work with--all are volunteers. The Diner serves hundreds (sometimes 500+) of people at the daily evening meals.
You know what I ask of the time spent with the little ones. Love, Mom

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Just Days

Back from Mass, having coffee, watching a humming bird flutter around the hanging plants on front porch, and planning the rest of the day. Great day, weather is beautiful, no wind, 67 degrees.

Busy day yesterday. Got vines (sweet autumn clematis, lace vine) and 3 beautiful ajuga plants. Stretched netting over the arbor, spread top soil around low areas in the yard, getting ready to lay out the pathway to arbor and put the vines/plants in the ground.

Have more to share about the path and arbor. Received an e-mail from Linda yesterday and asked her if I could pass it own. "Soon after Pop passed away mom and I discussed an idea for a stepping stone. I pictured a cross with an outpouring of "Ray(s)". The attached picture is what she designed from my description and created in stain glass. I wanted you to have something that represented Christ at the center of our lives, His outpouring of warmth (love) for you and something that represented our love 'For Sonny Days'. I hope that rather than be a painful reminder of loss you see this stepping stone and remember the wonderful life you and Pop shared for so many years. "

Thought this would be a nice ending to today's blog. Love, Mom

Monday, September 14, 2009

Moving on

Back from Mass, volunteered at the rectory and ready to start the day. Overcast and cool here. Hopefully, the painting can resume if it stays dry here for several days.

Plan to look at vines to plant over the arbor---just spoke with the owner of Dutch's Nursery, he has the vines I want but recommended planting the vines outside/back of box in the ground as the roots will freeze in the winter and die. Love Dutch's Nursery! Have lots of top soil/mulch/compost mix to build up the soil behind the planters and it will work very nice. Yea--have a plan. (Plumbago from Dutch's Nursery courtesy of Vicki on 2007 Mother's Day, it winters at friend's grennhouse every year).

Thinking so much this time of the year when Pop started getting sick. When he got sick we were put into motion and did what needed to be done. Just did the doing part---now am doing the processing/thinking part. I do not dwell on it, do not question it--just think often about the journey. What a courageous and gracious battle he fought and all of you were all there for him (and me). Will tell you kids over and over--YOU DID IT RIGHT!!! What pride I have in being a part of your journey---thanks!

Have some "For Sonny Days" plans in the works. Will have more to share as time moves forward. Let's think about Thanksgiving. Would love to have it here this year. What do you think? For now--stay healthy, be safe, keep in touch, value every moment of the time you're given and treasure the family and friends that surround you. Thanks to all of you for being a part of my life!

Love, Mom

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Birthday "Boy"

Headlining Buster today on his 8th birthday. The day is open to what ever he wants to do (am hearing grumbles--"What's new')--Have taken BD pics just so you also can experience the excitment going on here today. (Caught Spencer turning his backside to Buster to avoid the excitment since no food is involved in the deal.)
Returned from Mass and breakfast with some of the Church ladies. Have grown to find them truly enjoyable, faithful and wise women---good company. Was hesitant to join the group when first invited as they are all widows and I was (and still am) not sure what the term "widow" means. I really hate labels---just want to be me-- haven't figured out the large empty spot in my heart for all the other losses in our family. Trodding through these days, keeping busy, and distracted with tasks---that would be me at present.
As for you--- stay healthy, be safe, keep in touch, value every moment of the time you're given and treasure the family and friends that surround you. Thanks to all of you for being a part of my life!
Love, Mom

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Multitasking at Ma's

Kevin brought over and set up the arbor this AM (with a little help from his friends--double click for details.) It is beautiful and in a perfect spot. The pic does not do it justice. I plan to fill the bottom w/wood nuggets, cover it w/netting, fill it up w/soil and begin the plant transfers. Can hardly wait to get started.

Painting has again been delayed due to the weather. The painters are very conscientious about applying the paint on a dried surface---Good for them! Wood was delivered yesterday evening---have decided not to tarp it---Thought about probably getting a standing water shower each time I moved it to fill the portable patio wood rack---really would provide a cussing situation. Anyone want a free 20' by 16' (?) nice tarp w/toggle attachments? First caller gets it.

Went to Mass this am, had breakfast w/a friend, mowed, watched Kevin set up the arbor, and am now off to Sutherlands w/shopping list. Have to get all of this done between the football games. I ask each of you to stay healthy, be safe, keep in touch, value every moment of the time you're given and treasure the family and friends that surround you.
Love, Mom

Friday, September 11, 2009

Time to think

Had some thoughts following today's Mass. Our family has experienced sad times both recent and in the last few years. Was thinking and praying for all the persons affected by the 09/01/2001 disaster. Cannot even imagine what their grief must be like. Please take a moment to keep them in your thoughts and prayers. We are so blessed to have our families and loved ones.

Visited with one of the grandchildren this week and he reminded me he is deeply saddened by the losses in our families. Guess I have been so busy with my grief issues that I have failed to consider how it has affected the younger "kids" in our family. Know I ramble on---just remember, I am the Matriarch--I can ramble on---love those kids, comfort them, and give them all a big hug for me.

Love, M.


The trip was great to OK--had a wonderful visit catching up with the activities of dear friends. Nice, nice day!!!
No rain--things are nice and dry---sun coming up--painting to resume today and over the weekend. The arbor is completed and Kevin is planning on delivering it on Saturday. Plan to work in the yard most of this week end. Plants (ornamental grasses) should be shipped on Saturday.
Plan to go to Mass, volunteer at rectory for a couple of hours, clean house, trim some shrubs, play with the "boys" and read. Days don't change much just trying to stay busy so like you.....I can stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Road Trip

Planning on a road trip with friends to see another friend today. The "boys" will be left to guard the house and Kevin will be over to check out their activities.

Excited about spending time with dear friends. Hope your day is also exciting----Let's all stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Staying Day

Rained (sprinkled) most of the night. Down pours, thunder, lightning all day yesterday--the big ditch was deluged with run off. Painter called and recommended no more painting until everything is real dry for several days. At least everything got a coat of paint before the rain.

A Staying Day---stay dry, stay inside, stay healthy, stay safe, stay in touch...

Love, Mom

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Moon for you

Got a lot done over the holiday---woke up to a moon still in the sky yesterday morning and could not resist taking a pic to share with you.
Woke up to pouring rain this AM thus another delay with the house painting.
Have been to Mass, volunteered some time at the rectory, did some reading, plan to sweep and clean the house.
Know the excitement in my life makes you all envious. I miss life like it was, just try to stay busy and move forward. Did order some ornamental grasses (24 plants to be exact) and am working on a layout of where to plant them. The plants should be here the week of the 12th. Picked up some winter reading and got some ideas from Bruce about an interesting author.
Please stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Ma's Trivia

Making a note to purchase more Gerbera Daisies next year--know there will be some volunteers---look at all the blooms on this one plant--the camera cannot capture the true color--the color is brilliant. I have 24 plants coming thte week of the 14th from the Santa Rosa Gardens. The plants are enjoying the cooler weather--should have a "million" Coreopsis next year---have dead headed and dropped the spent heads on the soil. Should be interesting---we'll see.
It is 63 degrees. Planning a day of "labor" this Labor Day. Off to Mass at 9:00am, then home to mow, edge, pound some nail heads in on the back deck, begin arranging the rocks for the shade area, (wanting to move all the shade plants away from the house and have a walk through area) catching up on housework, listening to my Ipod, and reading. Just planning another exciting day.
Please enjoy this holiday...Be good to yourselves, stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Jane says see the deer

Told ya Fall was coming---leaves are dropping and more deer appearing. Dropped a bag of carrots over the back fence and have had the deer venture closer to the house. You will have to double click the pic--the deer is in the distance in the clearing. Think I could have captured a closer shot (with camera of course) if the "boys" had not have made such a barking racket. Also, had a swallow tail butterfly on the flowers. Chased it around the yard to get a good pic---another certifiable event for my neighbors to log.
Back from Mass, plan a quiet day with my pup posse, reading, and listening to my Ipod--possibly throw a nap in there somewhere. Not a good football watching/listening day. For those of you who care--KU spanked CO and K-State won but only by 3 points. Hard to listen (K-State) and watch KU at the same time.
Enjoy this long week end--staying healthy, safe, and keeping in touch.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Another Day

The snapdragons are re-blooming. Guess they are applauding the cooler weather----I sure am. Can relate to the flowers that are showing some resurgence of energy with the nice weather.
Plan my usual "putz and butz" day. Just letting you know college football starts today and pro season will take over during the week. Fall is here!!! Hope your weekend is great, your health is great, you stay safe, and keep in touch. Love, Mom

Friday, September 4, 2009

Whaz Up

Moved all the back deck furniture last night so the painters could get right to the painting this AM. Woke up at 4:45am, showered, dressed, and drove to Home Depot @ 6:00am to pick more paint. Seven gallons to be exact. Stopped by Church (in Belaire--Kat, Is it one or two "l"s?) for Mass and drove home in a down pour of rain. So much for painting today.

The "boys" (double click to see cute dogs up close) have that Whaz Up look on their faces--except for Rowdy and his is just the Duh look. There have been so many changes for them the last year---they are on constant watch, underfoot, and stick to me like glue.

Plan to run errands, read, and possibly take a nap before the day is over. Hope your day goes quickly, please stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ma's Agenda

The cool weather is wonderful. Have had more deer in back field--twins and one with a fair sized rack. Hear the owls at night. Loving to work out in the yard and sit out on the back deck in the evenings. Arbor almost completed---Kevin says it will fit and look good in the space I have allowed for it.

Taylor helped me burn out some web worms from my River Birch tree. Showed him how my granddad used to do it. Better than pesticides--fixed him a torch for him to take home and use on the trees at his house. Did not hear fire trucks so think it went well.

Going to Mass, have lunch w/friend then come home and catch up on house and yard work--painters almost done---possibly by Friday night or Saturday.

Have a great day--stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Short and Sweet

Enjoy the flowers (double click for close up)---fall is coming and they will soon be gone----enjoy the day---stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Fall pics of my rock garden in back yard.

Exciting stuff!! The guys are here today to begin painting the siding. I also bought some PVC pipe and am going to make arches over the ends of the log racks to allow air flow and prevent moisture from gathering on the wood. Will then paint them black to match the log racks and fence railings. Fun to get all these projects done before winter.
Cloudy, overcast, 63 degree day. Went to Mass this AM, volunteered awhile at the rectory, plan to catch up on some house cleaning/flower garden stuff.
Take care to stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.