Monday, November 30, 2009

The Pits

That's what I would call pimento stuffed olives---the pits!!! Saw the dentist this afternoon. That little pit caused a "fatal fracture" to my tooth. A portion of the tooth (loose inside portion) was extracted today and the remainder (outside portion) will be surgically removed by an oral surgeon tomorrow. Surprisingly--I am more comfortable following today's extraction. Really wanted to remove the tooth on my own on Friday--knew it was loose. How old is the age limit for being accepted into dental school?
Busy day tomorrow. Mass in AM, volunteer at rectory for a couple of hours, have lunch with some friends, go to the oral surgeon, and make it home before the sun sets.
So, as I try, so also must you---stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.

Good News

The good news is: Everyone made it home safely following the holiday visit. Always a good feeling to know that everyone is safe and sound from their travels. (Kat made it home Friday, Linda and the kids on Saturday, and Kurt yesterday.)
Nippy, 29 degrees here. Back from Mass (7:00am at Church of the Magdalen) so I can call dentist at 8:00am and hopefully get in today to have him take care of this broken tooth. Will probably never eat another olive and am real close to saying that about pumpkin pie---3 meals/day of pie is too much---but easy to chew on one side of your mouth.
Please stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Quiet on the home front

WOW, the sound of the silence in this house is haunting. Loved having Thanksgiving here and very thankful for the family members who were able to travel. I thank you, the "boys" thank you. The "boys" are still in lounge mode from all of the activity and company---they are definitely attention hounds.

Went to Mass yesterday evening, 38 degrees/windy this AM, planning on chilling out today, reading, possibly a nice afternoon nap, and hanging out with my pup posse. Plan to call dentist first thing in AM to see about repairing my broken tooth. Will more than likely maintain a pumpkin pie and Cool Whip diet until tooth is repaired.

Enjoy your day, staying healthy, being safe, and keeping in touch.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Broken tooth and Thanksgiving

Wonderful Thanksgiving---ate too much, visited w/family, built a fire, watched football, played Blokus...After eating, we gathered in the back yard while the pottery plaque was attached to the arbor and the stepping stone placed under the arbor. Nice touch to the arbor/shade garden, especially since it relates to Kelli and Pop.

Kat returned home today. Kurt, Linda and kids plan to return home tomorrow. Quiet day here-Kurt and Ryan went to play golf. Linda, Maddie, and I were planning on a shopping trip after we ate lunch. I bit into an olive (seedless/pimento), broke a tooth and am now (hopefully) waiting for the dentist to return my call. Most all dental offices here are closed on Fridays--left a 1:30pm message for call back.
Please stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Wish all of you a peaceful, wonderful Thanksgiving. I am thankful that each of you has graced my life. What more to be said then...

Have a wonderful day in Thanksgiving, stay healthy, be safe, eat lots of pie--ooooops meant to say stay in touch. Love each and everyone of you more than you will ever know.
Love, Mom

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thankful for Blessings

Blessings and things to be thankful for:
All travel families have safely arrived...blessing. Received call from a dear friend last night, no signs of cancer cells in her breast, more testing to find treatment for her abnormal mammogram but good news for now...blessing. Cooking will be at a minimum at this house so we can play games and enjoy the company...blessing. Doorways dusted...blessing. Will place paving stone and plaque on Thanksgiving Day---pictures will be taken...blessing. Friendships and closeness of family throughout the year...blessing. More leaves to spread on walking path by east side of house...not a blessing---just a need.
May your day be productive, keep healthy, stay safe, and keep in touch.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Thankful for Thanksgiving

Family members are gathering at the house--their Rottweilers are at home guarding the home fronts and all is well. Off to Mass this AM (Mass said this AM for our family at St Pat's), shopped for some last minute food, ate out, and bought some board games--in particular suggested games such as: Blokus, Whoonu, Mexican Train, and 4 decks of playing cards. We are ready. Plan to clean out game drawer tonight and throw away all of the old worn out cards.

Got a call on my cell phone message today from Ori while LJ was fixing the kids apples (could hear her in the background). He just left a voice mail message--great to hear his voice, unsure of the message, but enjoyed it just the same.

Hope your day has been great. Stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.


Sunday, November 22, 2009


Went to Mass yesterday evening. Plan to have a quiet day, reading, cooking, and just chillin'. (LJ has a great blog today).

Hope your day is good, stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Quiet on the home front

Different morning today---real nice so far---cool, crisp, no wind, no barking dogs---things are good.

Spencer had his trip to the vet yesterday, leg is better but will continue the medication for 2 more weeks with recheck. Thinking he just likes the car ride, extra attention, probably has turned into a medication seeker, and now eats the medication w/o cheese.
Plan to go to Mass, run some last minute errands, and settle in sorting more paperwork, possibly watching some football games this evening. This could all change--I am really getting excited about company coming and am really distracted--nothing new for Moi. I am really looking forward to Thanksgiving and having the house full of family.
Enjoy your weekend, stay healthy, be safe, and stay in touch.
Love, Mom

Friday, November 20, 2009

Outside, noise, dogs...

Dogs barking outside, dark outside, spot light indicates they are barking at nothing the human eye (mine) can see outside, holler outside for them, make more noise outside with hollering then dogs are doing barking---Ever seen Poms run with tails stretched out?--that's how they looked zipping in the back door. Obviously they hate my hollering. Now, the patio screen door is closed blocking the dog door---I AM IN CONTROL. This reads kind of like a Dick and Jane story. Hear dogs bark, see Mom act out, see dogs look confused, see dogs run, see Mom back at her computer finishing this blog---see things return to "normal" (just for now). (The Thanksgiving drawing is getting near---be excited---I am!!)

The Adoration Chapel renovation is complete and will open this AM after the 8:00am Mass. It really turned out nice. Enjoyed the afternoon at the Lord's Pantry. There are possibly 10-12 volunteers, we put on our caps (bring my own Echo Bay logo hat), aprons, are given tasks, and complete the food prep in approx. 2 to 2 1/2 hours. It is a once a month commitment , mindless but rewarding to do something for someone else.

Mass this AM, Spencer to the Vet at 4:15pm today for leg limp checkup---still favoring it but not like it was. Plan to pick up some groceries, sweep, and dust the house. Hope your day moves fast, stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Deers and Dogs

Back from Mass, ate a piece of pumpkin pie slathered in Cool Whip, had a cup of coffee, walked out on the back deck and what to my wandering eyes should appear but a doe and a buck in the back field. Note the reclining doe on the right and the rack on the buck standing to her left is barely visible as it blends in with the limbs on the trees. Would love to have a tranquilizer gun to zap the dogs so they would not scare the deer away. Have I told you I love living here--even with the dogs?

Volunteering at the Lord's Diner today and need to be on my way. May your day be good, stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch. PS--all of you who attend Thanksgiving here will be eligible for the dog drawing---and I am not talking about crayons and paper---you will be able to take a dog home with you. Is that exciting?---- In fact there will be 3 drawings and 3 dogs given away.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hoping and Wanting

Quiet day, Mass, laundry done, picked up the house, made calls, lunch w/Nick, off to run errands. Weather is sunny, crisp, no wind, temp is 63 degrees---no snow. Now would hope/want it to wait until after the holiday for the snow----just want, want, want...
Next thing I would want is for you to stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

LJ and Danny

Was saddened to read LJ's blog and see that Danny's dad passed away on 11/15/2009. She wrote a beautiful tribute to Billy. Spoke with both LJ and Danny last night. They are doing well, funeral Mass will be Thursday. Ask all of you to keep Billy and all of the family in your thoughts and prayers.

Stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.


Monday, November 16, 2009

Ma's World

Temperature down to 35 degrees, wet outside, and no snow---yet. Quiet weekend. Plan to go to Mass, run errands, and make phone calls today. Still have papers in my office to sort, shred, and file. Just couldn't bring myself to hang out in that room this weekend. Will do it in spurts this week while it is too wet and cold to be out of doors--maybe.

Am working on low dog maintenance and reorganization.
Low dog maintenance: All are totally on dry dog food--Spencer still on weight reduction food, Buster and Rowdy back on Pedigree---no added cheese or broth---just plain dry. No ice cream (commonly known as PC or puppy cup) in the evenings for a whole week. "We"---Moi and the dogs are now sharing/eating an apple each evening---theirs is peeled/mine isn't/they eat half/I eat the other half.

Reorganization: Gathering up all warranty, instruction paperwork on outside tools/machinery and putting them all together in a notebook (in sheet protectors) and storing them in a cabinet in the garage to save trips to basement to go through file cabinets when something breaks down or needs parts.
Know both of the above are trivial and TMI but I could be at your homes or on the street pestering the heck out of you or other people. It is keeping me busy for a short while until I think of another meaningless quest to jump into. Be thankful---be real thankful.
Stay dry, healthy, safe, and in touch.
Love, Mom

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Just Utensils

Just looked at LJ's blog. WOW, what a treat to see the wonderful pastry pics. Feel I am remiss that mine only shows weather conditions, garden utensils, flowers, dogs, trees...

Mass yesterday evening, slept in this AM, picked up the newspaper, and enjoying the quiet inside day w/the "boys" while it rains/mists outside. Plan on spending the day inside, reading, listening to radio, and Ipod most of the day. Also, going to look through some recipes---thanks LJ!
The "boys" must have had glue added to their grooming shampoo or I need some dog repellent spray. They are sticking so close to me---can't move, sit, stand, breathe without having them stuck to me. They miss all that chair time with their buddy.
Enjoy your the rest of your weekend, stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Mist in the Air

Mist in the air, 48 degrees, hmmmmm---could be snow---maybe/maybe not. Who knows this is KS. Have all the rocks/leaves spread/tools put up. Went to Mass this AM, had breakfast with a friend, stopped to get a news paper, and trying to work up interest to pick up my office. Have accumulated lots of paperwork and put it all on the office desk. Just need to sort, shred, and file. May read a little before getting started.

The "boys" look great. They were so good on the way to and from the groomer yesterday. Love these surprises---just when I diss them they prove me wrong. Plan to keep them short groomed all year long. May even plan to start the walks again. Will start (after Thanksgiving) with Rowdy then add a dog a month. Buster acts like he can't jump up in the chair and Spencer still favors his left leg. They will have to show me they are more physically able to meet the task at hand (or paw) before I tackle taking all of them on walks.
Stay healthy this weekend, be safe, and keep in touch.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Mom's Day Off

Back from Mass---off to the groomer with 3 psycho dogs. They shudder, whine, tremble, and put up such a fuss all the way to the groomer. It puts me on a real guilt trip. Will have about 2 to 3 hours alone. Plan to run errands.
The weather is beautiful, already 59 degrees, no wind...Somehow, not looking forward to snow (just for today).
Stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Just in Time

Surprise, surprise, surprise---guess what's in the forecast? Yep, SNOW (possibly) . Was excited to read the online paper this AM to see the news. Now, it may not stick to the ground, may not last long, but it will be snow. Have already Rain-Xed my windshield, have all my snow equipment and am ready!!!

Yesterday's weather was great, no wind, upper 60's. Swept the house then worked out in the yard rest of the day between UPS deliveries. Spread leaves, moved more rocks on east side of house to form the path. Thinking I need to make a trip to Augusta to get more rocks. Will also talk w/Keith and Becky about more getting more leaves. The leaves make a perfect layer for the foundation of the path. Supposed to be windy today so finished spreading the leaves in the dark last night to avoid having them blow all over me today.

Mass this AM at the Cathedral, run errands, then to a movie w/a friend this afternoon. Hope your day is productive--stay heathy, be safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Last addendum for the day

Had to share:---Guess who just came to my door?--this time UPS not FedEx. Two packages left on the porch (am sure they have more snow prevention equipment in them) but please note the personal message on the outside of the top box (double click of course and Kurt do not respond asking who the heck eats sweet potatoes) and the bottom one has what appears to be the beginning of a smiley face. Will open the boxes and have more info tomorrow. Promise no more addendums today (that should bring what appears to be happy faces to all of you).
Love, Mom

Another Addendum

Okay---deer are out in the back field, squirrels are running all over the field, sky is full of geese, lots of signs there should be some snow. I am not going to break my arm just to get snow but hear that is the answer for a sure blizzard. (Definitely double click to see the deer--there are 2, one is hidden behind the tree. If you cannot see the deer--then just check out the tattered birdfeeder)


Ready for snow

Have taken care of the snow in KS this winter---In addition to the snow blower, ice melt broadcaster, heavy duty outside electrical cord, cord reel---also have added a new car window ice scraper, Rainex window cleaner/water repellent spray, new snow shovel (16" blade), and 20 lbs of snow melt----have two ways of looking at this---1) Will be ready when it snows...2) Will provide amusement to all of you when there is no snow this winter and I have a garage full of new and unused snow equipment. Also have 2 ricks of firewood. Now, I ask myself---Have I missed winter?---where is it?---It is still warm here. I just want to be self sufficient and prepared and plead--please dear God bring some winter so I can use all this stuff. Should be an interesting winter here on the farm.

Father Jerome is attending a 2 day conference so am going to Mass at the Cathedral today and tomorrow. Love the quietness of the Cathedral. Plan to stop by St Pat's to volunteer at the rectory, come home--spread more leaves, then work in the garage trying to find storage places for all of the snow equipment.
Please stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Love FedEx

Guess what FedEx brought to my door?----Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. Only got the snow blower, should get the rest any day. Could hardly believe it was regular shipping and received it in one day. WOW!
Love, Mom

Do nothing

Rained most of yesterday, went to Mass, ran an errand and stayed in most of day---grrrrr---doing diddly-squat. Always think this house is too big until I can't get outdoors then think it is so small the walls are closing in on me. I have plenty to do but want the the choice to do things inside or outside---not be closed in. If I ever need nursing home care---DON'T confine me---just take me to Yellowstone Park or Muir Woods, let me out in the park(s), leave, and let me roam. So being bored out of my mind, anticipating the winter months, went on Amazon---ordered a snow blower (small and manageable), outdoor cord, cord reel, and hand held ice melt broadcaster. The cord is only 100' so I should be able to a nice pathway to mailbox, trash barrel, patio, etc.

No rain this AM. Off to Mass, volunteer at rectory, pick Taylor up at school at noon, possible twist his arm to have lunch with me (his car is in the shop)---then come home and work inside or outdoors because I can.
Know you are all feeling blessed you were not here yesterday riding around on my broom with me. Be blessed today, stay healthy, be safe, and stay in touch.

Monday, November 9, 2009


Won a turkey and a pound of bacon. Life is good---will have both for Thanksgiving. Was so excited---don't know if it was all the sugar load from the 2 pieces of homemade pie I ate between 2 and 5pm or the win. Would not want to do it each week but once a year---what the heck---will look forward to it.

Off to Mass, run errands, and spread more leaves between rain showers today. Hope your day is great---stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Blog and Dash

Went to Mass last night, picked up a paper at the corner store, enjoying coffee, sitting w/my pup posse and reading. Plan to go to Church this afternoon and play turkey bingo (a yearly fund raiser for the altar society). It should be interesting---have never played bingo other than with the kids but will enjoy the coffee and pie for lunch. This is not an easy thing for me to do. Would like to confine Church to volunteering and attending and not social events----Pray for me that I behave and am appropriate today.

Spencer update: Re-started his anti-inflammatory medication and will call the vet on Thursday to discuss progress. He still limps---more so when he thinks there might be a chance of getting more cheese wrapped medication. (Double click on pic and you too can read some of the Sunday paper)
Enjoy your day---stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Saturday, November 7, 2009

More Stuff

Busy day---Off to Mass, possibly breakfast with a friend, home to spread more leaves, move a few stray rocks, and take Spencer to the Vet at 1:15pm. Will be glad when he is no longer limping---may need to give him some "doggie downers" to quiet him down to allow the leg to heal. The dogs rip out the back dog door and he is right with them---then he limps back in the house. Really feel bad for the little guy.

Plan to spend the evening sorting/filing through paperwork in my old office. You could kind of call it a love/hate thing. Love having a place to put things---hate to do that chore---love getting it done. I always end up cleaning a few more things out of that room. Someday, the paperwork will include removing the wallpaper and re-doing the room. Hmmmm, might add that to my winter project list. Not sure if I am up to tackling it this winter.
Have already purchased tickets for next summer's music theater. They have some great shows in the works and it is a great place to be on a hot summer's afternoon. I purchased tickets in the mid area of the front orchestra section. Will know exactly what seats in February and will be able to negotiate a change if not acceptable. How great is that?
Chapel update: Just waiting for altar drape and lights. It really turned out nice and was a fun project to work on. Lots of great "old" parishioners showed up to tell stories about its origin, give suggestions, and approve our work.
Should be a great day to be out of doors---hope it is also in your area. Stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Go, Go, Go

Back from Mass, ran some errands, spread more leaves after breakfast, and planning on lunch with a friend. The weather is absolutely beautiful; little breeze but sunshine and cool temps. My kind of weather.

Jake brought the leaf mulcher/blower over yesterday afternoon. He showed me how to use it, in fact, had him demonstrate until all the leaves were picked up around the rocks and patio firewood rack. You have heard of being Punked---Jake was Huck Finned---the difference being---the fence was not painted---only the leaves picked up. Seriously, we did have a great visit.
Hope your day moves smoothly, stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Thursday, November 5, 2009


You know how it goes---Off to Mass, volunteer at the rectory, and finish some stuff around the house. I am sure a project idea will jump into my head before the day is over.

Thinking of setting up something with Jake or Taylor to show me how to use their leaf mulcher--kind of a 101 leaf mulching or better yet leaf mulching for dummies session. Have lots of big leaves on the perimeters and close to the house that need mulching---just want to do it right. Mowed yesterday afternoon to mulch all the leaves in the yard.
Have all laundry done, house swept, dusted and plan to spend most of the weekend outside. Should be in the low 70's this weekend!!!! Spencer is still favoring that "wrist." Holding his medication this AM until I visit with the Vet.
Just think about staying healthy, safe, and keeping in touch.
Love, Mom

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Pure and Innocent?

Does this little guy look like a con, escape artist? You bet he does----do not let the innocent look fool you. (Double click for full affect of innocence) . Took pic this AM in case he takes off again so I can carry my camera and show people the missing dog.

Leaves and Dogs

Still spreading leaves and add chasing dogs to the mix. Spencer is a "boy" about town (neighborhood actually). Know there is always a potential for him to make a break through an open gate and sure enough--I am taking the trash barrel out to the curb in the evening, did not latch the gate, stopped on my way back in to grab some sacks of leaves out of the garage to drag to back yard, saw the gate slightly ajar and only 2 dogs appeared. Began making my way down the cul-de-sac, clapping hands, calling loudly for him, and what to my wandering eyes should appear but a streak of white (not limping) dog racing to me down the street. So, our team of four has been restored, rested, and ready for another day.

Off to Mass, volunteer at rectory, meet an out of town friend for lunch, spread more leaves in the afternoon, get gas for the lawn mower so I can mow/mulch the leaves in the yard and enjoy a nice no windy outside day.
Stay healthy, be safe, and stay in touch.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Nothing new

Mass today, volunteer at rectory, rescheduling grooming for the "boys" (Spence is better but still favoring his "wrist"), and plan to spread more leaves in flower beds if the wind is not blowing. Wind blew most of yesterday causing a definite chill to the air---just down right miserable to be out in it. Talked the "boys" into taking a nap in the afternoon. Have a touch of a sinus thing going on--sure it is an infection----will call MD today for RX.

Hopefully, all of you will stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
PS: Note the post label---possibly spending too much time at the rectory.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Leaves, wind, and wah

Leaves, leaves, leaves, wind, and leaves---see a theme going on here? Got 2 more truckfuls of bagged leaves from Keith an Becky---YEA! Will get them spread out today. Did only 6 bags yesterday because the wind was so strong and blew until sundown----Wah, wah, wah. Sky and moon were beautiful last night---showed Taylor and Jake a satellite going over the sky after we unloaded the last truckful of leaves. Could tell they were impressed (they were respectful, played along with me, acted interested, though jumped in the truck and took off like a rocket down the street following the sighting)---another certifiable moment with Ma. Jake is curious as to what I will do this winter to stay busy---gave him some ideas (hang out at McD's in AM drinking coffee or go to the neighborhood bar in the afternoon and drinks pitchers of beer)---he nixed both ideas and encouraged me to come up with some other more realistic ideas. Think I will take his sage advise.

Last night: Watched the Vikings hammer the Packers and the Yankees move closer to a series title and went to bed early. Had just gotten to enjoying sports in the last few years with the lull of snoring, the fireplace roaring, the pups all on Pops lap and then things changed. Who would think I would ever admit to missing the snoring---maybe it was the roar of snoring and the lull of the fireplace. It comes down to missing Pop---that's what it all comes down to---then add Kelli, Ken to the mix and it just gets sad.
Today is All Souls Day--plan to go to Mass, appt w/chiropractor, volunteer at rectory, spread more leaves, and try to reach Michael---he is 18 today! Happy Birthday Michael!!!!!! (Spencer has recovered---lots of cheese around his anti inflammatory medication has made him a happy but well limper---also happy to report he will be able to attend his grooming appt in AM).
As for you---work with me---stay healthy, be safe, keep it real, and stay in touch.

Love, Mom

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Just Stuff

Funny how $175.00 (Vet exam, x-rays, and RX) can cure a limp. That's how it rolled yesterday. Spencer milked it for all it was worth--he has a sprained "wrist"--probably jumped or twisted it in one of his pursuits. He still has an ever so slight favoring of the "wrist" today will be on medication for 2 more days. Had to assure myself there was no broken bone--especially with the weekend. They are scheduled to be groomed on Tuesday and thought it could also be a ploy to get himself out of grooming appointment. No such luck Spence---you will be groomed!

Spent a very quiet Halloween--my costume was pj's. Munched on Halloween candy in the afternoon, went to morning and late afternoon Mass, watched TV with the "boys" in the evening, and hit the sack early after setting back all the clocks.
Plan a very quiet day. Mass this AM, possibly KOC breakfast at Church, maybe spread some more leaves, read, and basically chill out.
Hope your day is peaceful, I ask you to stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.