Friday, April 29, 2011

Dog on Watch

Check out this pic (via Kat's I phone) of Buster gallantly guarding his domain.  We all chilled on the deck yesterday afternoon after working all day in garage and finishing yard work.  It was a wonderful day---no wind, lots of sun...All flowers/plants planted now just have to relax, sit a bit and watch them grow.

Really enjoying Kat's visit. Glad she has someone at her house taking care of Ms. Alice. She will be leaving tomorrow----I will be sad.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Kat at work

Night time at Ma's. Check it out. Much fun going on here at Ma's. Dog's love Kat---Had to re-shoot the video several time which meant more and more treats.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Days Off

Taking Blog time off this weekend. Have a Blessed Easter.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Thursday, April 21, 2011

In the Meantime...

Expecting a nice sunny day today. Plan to work around the yard/garden this AM and then go to Mass w/friends this afternoon at the St Francis Hospital Chapel.

The native grasses I ordered this winter should arrive sometime today. They are all drought tolerant plants and should do well w/the summer heat. All the perinneals are doing nicely and growing by leaps and bounds. Should be a low maintenance summer w/addition of more drought tolerant plants.

Concrete step around deck completed ---- just waiting for sealer to dry. Waiting, waiting, waiting. In the meantime, am leashing up and taking the canine poop/pee machines outside every time one of them bark at the dog door. Cannot risk them getting the sealer on their paws, licking it off, and getting sick. The knee bending, reaching to catch excited dogs to snap leashes on and off is comparable to gardening. Thus, I am too tired (times 3) to do much more than attend to the p/p machines. Let's just hope this sunny day comes through and dries that sealer----NOW.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Monday, April 18, 2011

Almost there

Should be sunny, warm, no wind, and a great day to be out of doors. Just trying to chill for 2 more days until the dirt begins stirring on this home front. Stopping by one of my favorite nursery places after Mass  to check out herbs and hanging baskets.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Wind storms, electrical failures, rain, construction delays...

Last weeks' wind storms, electrical failures, rain, construction delays are all just a bad dream. Nightmare at the time---just a bad dream today.

Getting fired up and getting stuff ready for the 20th (see above)----which cannot be overshadowed by wind storms, electrical failures, rain, construction delays----I will be free to officially begin gardening. Surprised to look out at the backyard flower garden----everything is coming out of the ground in spite of the wind storms, electrical failures, rain, construction delays.  Today is beautiful, 70 degrees, sun up, hardly a breeze. Nice.

Mass this AM. Plan to enjoy a restful day watching the flowers grow, hanging out w/the 3 Dogmigos, reading, and doing some major no thought putzing.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Friday, April 15, 2011

Count Down

Looking forward to my gardening buddy's visit---on count down. (Above--me , leaning on a post w/the SEG, yaking, while my buddy focuses on the planting.)

Mass this AM. FYI: Mass also will be offered for our entire family on Tuesday, 04/19/2011 @ 8:00am @ St. Patrick Church. Nice.

Nice quiet rainy, cool morning (45 degrees)---expected to be that way all day. Really need the rain so cannot complain.

Great day for having the (old/not working) garage door openers replaced--in fact having it done right now. Had a demon possessed door that would open/close, partially/completely w/or w/o touching the the touch pad. Then it needed a whack from the broom handle when it would stubbornly not work. The broom handle is worn out, I am worn out, and just tired of the obstinate garage door opener. Be gone!!!!

Planning on putzing w/indoor chores,  reading, catching up on past DVR shows, Stations of the Cross this evening, and then chillin' out w/the "bobs."

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sun's out, Ma's Out

Adding another pic of some of my favorite Hockey fans. The contest is still open to name the fans and win free room and board at Ma's this summer. (Would include some favorite "girl" pics---but the ones I found make the "girls" appear to look "wigged" out. You know what I am talking about and you know who you are.)

Mass this AM. Went to a couple of lumber yards and got some more deck stain. Finding out the new neighbor's dog barks more than the three "boys"-----which is good. Just don't want them to stand out and be alone. Now they have good company. 

Plan an afternoon of putzing out in the yard--in the sun--7 more days until the putzing ends and the gardening begins----Yee Haw!!!!

Wanted all to know there will be a Mass offered for Ken at 8:00am at St. Pat's on Friday.  Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Count Down

CONTEST TIME: Looking through pics and saw a favorite, taken 12/26/2009. You will win a free week of room and board at Ma's Inn if you can correctly name each "character" in the above pic---Ready, set. go!!!! Really difficult to get all of the family in one pic but this was a good try-----(catch the look on Miss Maddie's face as she was watching Trae)----Priceless!!!!

Okay, back to here and now----beautiful day, sunshine, no wind, YES!!!!! Went to Mass this AM, volunteered at rectory and am now home putzing. I officially have 8 more days of putzing before gardening. 

Started the day off w/Spencer running though the mud and then streaking through the house-----BAD DOG. First time I have picked up a dog since my surgery. He got put in the sink for a wash off----then I wet mopped off all of his tracks throughout the house. Am sure he will do it again----it is what he does well besides eating.

Take care to stay healthy, well, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Monday, April 11, 2011

Windy Days

Too much wind!!!!!!!!!! Warm, dusty, and windy----that's the weather not me. Hoping for a calmer weather week. Have a lot of outdoor stuff to do and hate to get beat down by the the wind----wears one out.

Volunteering this AM at the Chancery, Mass at noon, stopping by Home Depot,  then home to do more outdoor stuff. Lots of barking dogs in this house this AM----makes volunteering more delightful---call it a  "mom's" day out. Looking for more volunteer opportunities on days like this.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Friday, April 8, 2011

Putzing in the Fog

Weather cool, (40+), foggy/overcast... Sun trying to burn off the fog. Love how every day here in KS is a big surprise. Oooops---just saw some sunlight burning through the fog ---Yee Haw!!!!

Mass this AM. Waiting for exterminator to come by to perform annual pest checkup and spray for spiders. Then plan to run errands and come home to putz, putz, putz.

Have a great weekend, stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Blog Break

Catch ya later.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Another Nice Day

Another quiet morning---remember quiet is nice. "Boys" fed, chillin' and quiet.....nice.

Off to Mass this AM, volunteer at rectory, then home to enjoy some outdoors. Should reach the 70's today. Remember the saying?---April showers bring...Do not believe it---March and April have come in like a lion----believe it!!!! Wind has been terrible the last 2 days. Have some small branches/twigs to pick up in flower beds/yard. Plan to sweep all the leaves off the deck this evening to prep it for tomorrow's staining project. The wind (if any) should have quieted down by then.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Monday, April 4, 2011

Quiet at Ma's

Off to a good start---"boys" fed and quiet. Quiet is nice.

Yesterday: Mass in AM, visited w/family on the phone, read the paper/book, had a wonderful meal at Keith and Becky's. So windy but warm all day. Stayed indoors most of day.

Today: Volunteer at Chancery this AM, Mass at noon, run errands, then home to putz. Have a lot of putzing to do---putz, putz, putz. In fact, after this winter, I could probably place first in a putzing contest. Sixteen more days before I can officially garden. Looking forward to having my visitor from up North who will be here shortly after the official gardening date. Just looking forward to the visitor---to heck w/the official gardening date---we shall putz together.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Warm Day Ahead

Mass this AM then more putzing outside. Little raking to uncover some plants---possibly put some of the Nandina's in the ground. Planning a trip to Sam's to get some potting soil and get some pots ready for planting. Browsed through some local nursery's this week and have been promised more plants will soon be put out on the racks. Waiting, waiting, waiting...tick tock.

Went to Stations of the Cross last night then home to watch TV (House Hunters International), fed apples to "boys."  I keep telling myself "they love me" when  I know in the back of my mind I am their food source and that is what keeps the tails wagging.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Friday, April 1, 2011

Ma's Happy

Sun's up, temperature moving toward 70's, slight breeze and Ma's happy. Have been out in the yard trimming shrubs, moving leaves out of flower beds and loading branches/stems/leaves into trash cart. "Boys" lounging on back deck, birds singing and Ma's happy.

One would hope this weather sticks around for more than a day. Mass this AM, bi-yearly furnace/AC completed, now in the process of house cleaning, sweeping...