Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Diva Dancing?

Nice weekend (quiet), rained during the night, beautiful this morning, sun up, cool, no breeze, no clouds...

Prepped vegetables most of yesterday  for this weeks eats (featuring Tabouli and 3 bean salad). All the vegetables and fruits are so fresh and cannot get enough of them. Becoming quite an experimental kitchen diva---in my own mind. Danced around the kitchen w/the "boys" to Annie Lennox while cutting/prepping  veggies. Quite a scene to be sure and only something to imagine but not be a part of ----it is exclusive insanity----only for Ma and the "boys." Have to tell you it was a fun day. Finished off the day w/Keith Becky, Nick, T/Kristin eating ice cream and cookies. WHAT A DAY!!!! Yee Haw---life is good.

Mass this AM. Volunteered at rectory, planning some errands, then home to mow and do yard work when things are drier outside.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Friday, May 27, 2011

More pics

Back from Mass, going through this weeks pics, will pass some on to you then get busy w/my perpetual putzing activities for the rest of the weekend/Holiday.

Pics: Herb pot, Sonny Day Arbor Plaque, and more Egg plant blossoms.

Have a great weekend/Holiday staying healthy, safe, and keeping in touch.

Love, Mom

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Putzn' Kinda Day

Back from Mass. Great picture taking day. (Clematis's, deck/patio concrete pathway, and another angle of deck.) Sharing some then it's OTD DTR to enjoy the day.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Smart and Elusive Mole

The mole will go. Tedious due to the fact the little devil has invaded my flower garden and I do not want to dig up/disturb the plants/flowers. Just a matter of time and I do have the time to continue the pursuit.

(More of the Eggplant Blooms)
Went to Mass yesterday morning, then home to do a days worth of yard work. Rejuvenated (extreme pruning) of Red Tip Fotinia(s) in front, stuffed 2 trash cans full of dead/winter damaged branches. They have this summer to come out of it or they will be coming out of the ground and replaced. Did the same (rejuvenated) to the Nine Bark last year year and it is coming along nicely--hopefully, the Fotinia will also catch on. The Fotinia by the east pathway also looks real ragged and will follow suit w/it next trash day. Weeded the east  pathway, flower beds than mowed/trimmed  front and back yard---finished up in time for a nights worth of rain. Talk about timing---nice. The Dogmingos also enjoyed the outside day.

Off to Mass this morning then volunteer most of the day at the rectory. Patio door/windows and kitchen windows open. Nice cool morning, still raining, birds singing, too wet to chase moles, "boys" are tired from all of yesterday's activities. They've had breakfast and are chillin'. Their feeding routine change has really made life easier and improved their(s)/my quality of life (also, less barking from all of us.)---Thanks Terry!

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Monday, May 23, 2011

So There I Was/Here I Am

So There I Was sitting on the back deck yesterday morning when a hummingbird came up and perched at new feeder. I was so surprised. Such wonderful little birds. Make note to self: Keep camera close at hand w/zoom setting on and be ready to capture the next visit

So Here I Am this morning looking out at the flowers (lilies) and noting they are all (solar flower lights included) moving---no breeze/wind--- thought I was watching a flower/light dance. Mole at work! Saw the tunnel and then the sprinklers went on causing me to abandon the hunt. Will let the ground dry out a little, watch for new tunneling then try to roust the mole out in a portion of the flower bed that can be destroyed by my fierce mole hunters. Exciting day ahead for this household.

Mass this AM.  Housework, laundry, etc. to do...

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Busy Weekend

Busy weekend w/family gatherings, yardwork, sitting w/the "boys", listening to the birds, reading, and relaxation. Might even take in a movie.

Hope your weekend will be restful, peaceful, healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Friday, May 20, 2011


Volunteering daily at Rectory. Mass offered yesterday for our family's special intentions. Raining every night, sprinkles during the day, cloudy, overcast, and daily tornado watch alerts. Looking forward to some sunshine but what a better week to be volunteering at the Rectory.

Mass this AM---then repeat of above.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Mixing up the day

Nice rain throughout the night. Thinking it is going to rain off and on  most of the day. Timing is great as I have an early AM eye exam,  volunteer most of the day at the rectory. Mass this evening at St Jude Church. Thinking it is okay to mix up the schedule a bit. 

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Limbs, Lights and Lotta Ma

Tree limbs down and done...moon danced to get out of the way of the falling branches, back fence is no longer in harm's way of falling dead limbs plus the view is better. Worked outside all day, trimmed Dappled Willow, planted all of the Gazania, dug up 2 stressed/dying small Crepe Myrtle trees, watered all of the potted plants, moved some rocks (one at a time)...

Sharing some pics of my outdoor night lights. Not really a light source---just adds night time magic to the flower garden. 

Off to Mass, volunteer at rectory, then home to have another "play" day in the sunshine.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Monday, May 16, 2011


Mass this AM, ran an errand, and now home to work in the yard. Still a liitle cool but no breeze/wind and the sun is shining. Planting and putzing in the yard is the plan for today. Keith is coming over this afternoon to cut down some dead tree branches.

FYI for the week:
  • Allie will graduate at Koch Arena this evening. Know the long walk to the arena and sitting in hard seats would not serve my back well. Looking forward to seeing her at the upcoming graduation open house and spending some time w/her the next few weeks before she leaves for VA.
  • Mass offered at St. Patrick's for our family at 8:00am on Thursday.
Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Too cool (47 degrees) to plant, too windy (15 to 30 MPH) to be out in the yard, too cloudy (still semi dark) to enjoy being out---just too, too, too...

Soooooo----Plan to go to Mass at Magdalen  this AM, then possibly shop my way home---Target, Bed Bath and Beyond, Kohl's, Home Depot...Could be a where's Waldo or catch me if you can Ma day.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Friday, May 13, 2011

Gazania Unlimited

  • Cool rainy days.
  • More flowers coming up.
  • Mowing went well yesterday.
Mass this AM, ran some errands, 50 degrees, cloudy and windy...

Home for the day to putz (inside). Looking forward to a peaceful gardening weekend. Picked up some more Gazania's yesterday (48 plants to be exact)---better known as 2 flats. May need a Gazania intervention before the summer is over. (Above pics are worth a DC.)

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Easy Does It

Mass this AM, errands completed (groceries/unexpected plant stop) and now home to set some more flowers in the ground/pots. Might need a Gazenia intervention before the summer is over. Gazenias are so drought resistant, heat tolerant, and the color doodling makes each bloom look so different.

Worked in the yard/flowers yesterday between rain showers. Feeling stronger everyday, not over doing it and finding that easy does it is the key to feeling well.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

More Pics

Sixty-eight degrees, no breeze/wind (yet), birds singing, dogs quiet...Nice. (Wanted to share pics of the little patio table/chair/umbrella set and the eggplant blooms taken this AM.)

Today's Plan: Mass this AM.  Perfect day to put in some plants/seeds and putz outside. Need to sweep out the garage and then just might sit out on the deck and read this afternoon.

 Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Another Day at Ma's

Looking forward (?) to another hot day. Breeze turned to wind yesterday (GRRRRRRR!). Seventy-four degrees and humid. Gave in and turned on the A/C on Sunday evening but open the house up in the early AM to enjoy the birds singing. Supposed to be cloudy and around 95 degrees today.

Did get some outdoor stuff completed yesterday. Also, got some good tips from my "yard guy" on the watering and care of Bermuda. Last summer took a toll on grass and shrubs. He is going to check it out today when he does the 2nd application seasonal maintenance. Thought I might look into "plugging" some bare spots but he suggested waiting it out this summer and see how it spreads since I am watering on a regular schedule. Ongoing job to keep potted plants watered w/all the hot wind. Have blooms on the eggplants----Yea!

Trip to nursery yesterday was a great success. Picked up more Sweet Autumn Clematis for the arbor, a gorgeous yellow Columbine, and more Gazenia (18 to be exact) plants.  Washed out all of the flower pots to fill up. Found a small table w/4 chairs/umbrella for back deck so the "3 Dogmingos" and I can eat out more often. Think I am up and running for Summer.

Speaking of up and running---Off to Mass, volunteer at rectory, then back home to work on  that ongoing list of mine.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Monday, May 9, 2011

Not but Just...

Already 70 degrees, nice breeze (not wind/just breeze), birds singing, a few barks (not intense/just a few), and all is well. Have my weekly list completed. Know I am off to the greenhouse today, sweeping/mopping, laundry, cleaning/hosing off swing canopy on front deck, yardwork (not exciting/just a list).

Off to Mass, run by (or better yet drive by) the nursery to shop, then home to work on the rest of the list. The excitement just goes on and on...(not/just retired).

Stay healthy, stay safe. and keep in touch. (Ready for more pics?)

Love, Mom

Sunday, May 8, 2011

More Flowers...

Went to Mass last night, slept in this AM (6:30am), quick trip to neighborhood store, bought a paper, washed the car, and was home by 7:10am to sit drink coffee, listen to the birds, and read the paper----Ahhhh!!!

Nice breeze, expecting a real warm day today. Going to include some flower pics then chill the rest of the day.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Butterflies in the House!

This butterfly flew all the way in this week from NJ and has found a place of honor above my computer desk. What wonderful artwork---thanks Phia!!

Mass this AM. Ran errands and now doing laundry/house cleaning. Took more pics and will share them throughout the next few weeks. Call them the "2011 Hosta collection w/lots of other stuff thrown in"--like this beautiful Columbine.
Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Lots and Less

Wind blew (40 to 50 MPH) all day yesterday. Cloudy and cool today. Mass this AM, volunteered at rectory, and now off to do weekly shopping.

Sharing another pic---featuring the concrete step down paver that goes around the entire base of the deck. Lots of deck plus lots of concrete equals less yard/lawn to maintain/mow. Lots of plants/herbs in pots equals lots of hand watering. Is less more or too much???!!!

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Waiting for the Hummingbirds

Most of the work completed on deck, just some touch ups needed, and then it's recline in the sunshine for the rest of the summer. Hung two wrought iron hangers. Worked out in the yard (pulling up lots of goose neck loose strife plants/roots). Ended up w/lots of plants/roots removed plus lots of dirt on butt of my jeans. Sprinkler system up and running. Changed out some plants in pots that got wind burnt in last weeks wind. (Kat, switched out the snap dragons for gazenia plants in the corner pot---great idea!--thanks!--they look great!)

Mass this AM. Took pics (see above for a special hummingbird feeder--definitely a double click--thanks, VA Ashpole family), listening to a symphony---NOT of barking dogs (Dogmingos /neighbor hood group)---no deer in sight, just barking dogs...Thinking of leaving to run some errands just to get the barking sound out of my head. I'm outta here!!!!

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Great time w/Kat last week. Spent a day (or two) at some of our local greenhouses (esp.on rainy days). The garden theme this year: Put it in a pot and watch it grow. Have lots of herbs/spikes, ornamental millet, and even some eggplants (Ichibon and Hansel plants). Had to work around the weather. It was typical KS---rain, wind, sun, cloudy...but the company was so great it overshadowed the weather.

Now, it is back to life on the plant ranch w/the 3 Dogmingos and Moi---Mass this AM, volunteer at the rectory  for a short while, expect carpenter to finish up some work, read this evening, and try to stay away from the grim reports on TV.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom