Sunday, June 23, 2013

More Lilies...

They have survived hot, windy days and are still intact. Think I want to be a Lily. Really need to clean out some flower beds. A lot of them are over grown and need to be thinned out.

Saw a rabbit in the flowers this AM. Also, have a mole invasion. Not going to have any of that going on. Really miss Buster and Rowdy---they were my mole/rabbit  trappers/chasers. The two living here now are slugs---I would have to catch the rabbits/moles, skin, gut, clean, cook them and serve them on a platter to get them interested in the unwelcome creatures. I do have a neighbor Jack Russell who is a great "moler"---unfortunately only in his yard. The neighbors have agreed to bring him over for a hunt.

Going to a movie this afternoon to see the Internship. The trailer looks funny. Mass last night, out to eat and home to read.

Stay healthy/safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Ma

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Told Ya There Would Be More Flowers

The lilies are blooming. Took these pics this AM. They get better each year---have done especially well this year w/all the moisture.

Mass this AM, ran an errand, home to eat breakfast, let the "boys" out, and then off again to pick up some things on my west side list. Quiet time this last week (torqued my right knee last Sat.),  snuggled w/"boys", read, napped, weeded...Appt. w/the heart MD and am now off Coumadin---Yea!!! Knee is better (heat/rest), better in general since off the Coumadin.

Take care, stay healthy/safe and keep in touch.

Love, Ma

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

More Plant Pics--Thanks Keith...

Taking pics again since I can download them into retrievable file---thanks Keith. My IT guy has done such a great job---thanks Keith. The pics are all worth a double click. Has been sunny, "windless", and more enjoyable to work in the flowers. Less time spent on the heating pad. No more 6 hour sessions of weed pulling, rock/pot moving...really was a 10 day bummer following that day. I can now stand upright and walk straight. Nice.

Mass this AM, volunteered at rectory, picked up around the house, and then to the store to get some groceries (and dog food for the "boys"). The doggies really enjoy playing, snuggling, and competing for attention. Hard to believe Hans is "new"---he has moved right in and is such a sweet little guy. It is so much fun to watch them rip and roar around the house. Spence is getting quite svelte from all the extra exercise.

Planning on volunteering one day/week beginning Monday after Mass. Will do filing, paperwork, and get started on the Fall enrollment papers/files. We have only one school secretary. She has been there 20+ years and is a delight to work with. She is like a fine tuned machine. She has everything ready---just tells me what has to be done. Luv it. Saves her a lot of busy work.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Ma