Sunday, January 31, 2010


Sky was so clear last night, the moon lit up all the snow on the ground in the back yard causing it to sparkle. This is one advantage of having pets. Noticed all of this at "boys" last nightly outing. Brought a thought of Pop to my mind. This was something Pop loved. He would tell me the moon lit up his room at night making him think it was already daylight. Can tell you he lit up my life and still does when I think about the silly things we/he did. Get a grin on my face at times just thinking about him. Trying to reinvent myself to this "new" life and he keeps creeping back in. He always did surprise me---still happening.

Lots of Birthdays ahead--keep in touch, send a card, make a call... just make it be special especially for today's birthday person. Planning on seeing Kevin before the day is over---Oops, now you know.

Went to Mass last night, making soup this AM and getting ready for card/game day marathon. Hope your day is peaceful, stay healthy, stay safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow, Cards, and Soup

Snowed most of Thursday night and throughout the day yesterday. It was a light feathery snow and must say that snow blower/shovel was a wise purchase. Actually had 2 hours worth of fun out in the driveway yesterday clearing the snow. Brought in firewood before the snow and have enjoyed sitting by the fireplace reading, watching TV each night with the"boys."

Cards are on for Sunday. Plan on having Potato Soup (new recipe), fixins' and snacks (sweet/salty). No talk of what the game(s) will be---it will just be great fun having great gals here and something to do on a cold wintry day. Really have enjoyed the company and just down right fun playing cards.

Went to Mass this AM and had breakfast with a friend. Planning on bringing in more firewood, cleaning out the fireplace, doing laundry, picking up the house, going to Mass this evening and playing w/the "boys" by the fireplace tonight. That's my day...

Hope your day is peaceful--stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Friday, January 29, 2010


Lots of snow----gotta go---off to Mass.

Have a great day!
Love, Mom

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Deers, deers, deers...

Went to Mass at Cathedral this AM then stopped by tag office, paid taxes and bought new car tags. Plan to bring in more firewood, start a fire and snuggle with the "boys." Glad to be spending the day inside where it is nice and warm. Do have a meeting to attend tonight. Hope it will be over before the snow starts.

Cards went well yesterday. Slowly getting the hang of Pinochle--can play the game--just don't have the hang of the bidding/counting/scoring part. Will play Canasta at the next card day (Tuesday). Haven't made plans for the Sunday marathon game but will know by Saturday.
The deer are thick both on and off the screen. Might even say we are knee deep in deer. Never knew my family had such an endearment for deer. Feel I now know the "ins and outs" of deer. Keep it up---Has really been a fun adventure--thanks, Kat for getting it rolling.
Hope the rest of your day is rolling right along---stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Growling Dog

Thirty-four degrees, dry, no breeze...Would love to give a little white, growling all night, dog away. He growled off and on (a lot) most of the night. I tossed and turned (a lot) most of the night trying to get back to sleep every time he growled. Really a vicious cycle. This morning---we are both tired and I am growling. The creatures in this house are all walking softly this AM trying to avoid the grouchy one.

Should be a great day for Pinochle. This is card day and a little uneasy as to my game skills. It is really a complex game---too many cards (20), too many sequential things, too much counting (runs, marriages, Pinochles, etc.). Remember, I am all about the fun of the game. Today may not be fun if you get my drift. Maybe they will re-name the game to "Off the Wall Pinochle." Seriously, will try to focus, focus, focus...
Planned to work in my office yesterday---Didn't! Will save it for tomorrow. Off to Mass this AM, run an errand or two and then cards.
Hope your day is focused on staying healthy, safe, and keeping in touch.
Love, Mom

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Road Trip

Up around 5:00am. Cold here this AM---25 degrees, supposed to warm up and then possibly snow tomorrow. Going to eye MD again today for another test. They told me I flunked my visual field vision test on 01/14/10 and they would like to retest. (Doesn't surprise me---sometimes I do feel I may have real narrow vision. Do not think an eye test can correct that.) Will go to Mass and then venture off to Derby again for the testing.
Thinking about volunteering in the school office a couple of hours a day each week. They are extending the preschool program to include mornings and need an help in the office. It will be something constructive (and social) to do during these winter months.
Making a small, very small, dent in the sorting, filing and shredding in my office. Thinking the process keeps me too confined and is a very monotonous/boring task. Hope your day is not monotonous---just stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Ma

Monday, January 25, 2010

Paperwork, Cards, Cha Ching

Slept in this AM (7:00am), went to Mass, volunteered at the rectory, off to run a few errands---then home to sort more paperwork. Temperature down in the 30's, wind blowing like all get out. Sun shining through the darkish gray clouds. Guess it is still winter. Expecting some snow this week.

Had a nice card day beginning with a casual lunch (sandwiches, potato salad, baked beans, fresh vegetables, cheese ball/crackers, cookies, and home made cream puffs), by the fireplace, watching TV football games, playing pinochle, Mexican Train, and Blokus. One of the "girls" actually played all of her tiles during the Blokus game (not me).

Stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Chaos, Car Washes, Cards...

Got all my stuff done yesterday. Went to Mass yesterday evening, got some filing/shredding (chaos) done and had a quiet evening with the "boys." Slept in this AM (6:30am), sunny outside, showered/dressed, fed the "boys", got a newspaper, car wash at the corner convenient store, and am now ready for cards. That's what I am about today.
Hope your day is peaceful.
Love, Mom

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Misty Morning

Up a little after 5:00am this morning to a misty 48 degree temperature. Had to regroup and remember it was still January and not April. The air feels like Spring. That Al Gore sure has Mother Nature fooled with all that global warming talk. Our temperatures act like they are jumping on a springboard---up---down---up---down. Just want it to stay cool enough to enjoy the nightly fireplace/recliner gatherings with the "boys."

Plan Mass this AM, breakfast with a friend, run an errand, replenish the firewood (both patio and family room rack), pick up the house, and possibly read/maybe even nap. Tomorrow is another card/game day marathon from noon until whenever. The talk was I should hone up my pinochle skills for the Wednesday ladies card day. I agree. Will let up on the chocolate, ease up on coffee consumption prior to playing and try to focus.

I wish you a healthy weekend, staying safe, and keeping in touch.
Love, Mom

Friday, January 22, 2010


Went through a file (computer--not office) and found an e-mail/couple of pictures I wanted to share with you. Kelli had been released from the hospital in 10/2006. Pop was "retired", wanted to go stay with her and spend some time. He said it would be a great time to visit because he was sure it would be too early to snow so he chose to drive and rather than fly. First picture is self explanatory: Kelli commented almost 3 feet of snow and questioned if Keith was coming for a visit.
Second picture is sweet and self explanatory. Off to Mass for Kelli at Resurrection Church this AM. Take care.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Another Rainy Day

Up early this AM. Rainy, 34 degrees, and still dark outside. Have a busy day planned w/Mass, volunteering at the rectory, Lord's Diner from 11:30 to ?? to do food prep, then off to a meeting at SLC this evening. Lucky the "boys" have someone to be here and watch over them while I am out and about.

Cards went well yesterday. Nice lunch, good company. Got home around 4:15pm. It is enjoyable to get out during the day and settle in by the fireplace with the "boys" in the evening.

Wanted to remind you again of the Masses being said for Kelli tomorrow in KS and TX. Cannot believe it has been a year. I carry her in my heart as well as thoughts and prayers throughout each day. Know that all of you also have dear memories of her. I find myself smiling at times thinking of the joy it was to have spent time with her in those earthly bonds. I am so thankful to have had her be a part of my life and am also blessed to have each of you walk this journey with me. Remember, God's love and mercy keeps our family strong. If not for that we would all be in despair.
Stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Dry, warming, but no sun today---yet. Still some day left for the sun to do its thing. Back from Mass, running some errands before lunch/cards w/the card club. Casual, fun, and doing something to stay busy these winter months is my thing---for now.

Hope your day is not too busy---stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch. Please pray for the health and well being for the people in Haiti.
Love, Mom

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Rainy Days...

Cloudy, rainy, 40 degrees---Blah!!!! Where is that sunshine...? Where are those flowers...??? The snow is gone but it is too wet to get out and take an inventory of the ground/plants. The grasses have weathered well through the winter months. They have added some depth to the look of the barren flower garden. All of the moisture will bring forth wonderful flowers/plants. Especially the ones I transplanted last fall.

Went to Mass, volunteered at the rectory, plan to build a fire and stay home with the "boys." Possibly will dig into more of the sorting, filing, shredding in the office. Have an altar society meeting to attend this evening.
Take care to stay dry, healthy, safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Monday, January 18, 2010

Another Foggy Day

Thirty-seven degrees, no wind/breeze--just foggy. Went to Mass this AM, made some phone calls, and off to run some errands.

Great day spent playing cards yesterday. Am not sure I have the calling for Pinochle---seems like a lot of card combinations/scoring information went over my head or I was chocolate intoxicated. Got into the bridge mix early before everyone arrived and was kind of goosey so a lot of the game was downright funny/silly. We also played Hand and Foot and finished up by 8:00pm with dessert and several games of Blokus. Decided the loser of Blokus would have to take the remainder of the bridge mix home. (I did not lose).
Hope the beginning of your week brings you good health and God's blessings.

Love, Mom

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Planning a fun day playing cards. Went to Mass last night. Temperature is 26 degrees, no wind/breeze and foggy---nice day to stay inside by the fireplace playing cards with great people.

Already have my reservation in to eat lunch and play Hand and Foot Canasta on Wednesday with the ladies card club. (in addition to cards--have a busy week ahead, daily Mass, volunteering at the rectory, Altar Society meeting on Tuesday evening, Lord's Diner on Thursday/Spencer also has yearly checkup, Thursday night class at SLC, and Harvest House meeting/lunch on Friday.)

This will be a tough week for our family. Think of Kelli everyday/throughout the day and am so glad to have been a part of her life. Have focused on her presence, the celebration of her life and not the loss---she remains in all of our hearts and will continue to always be present. There are Masses being offered for her this week (Friday) at Resurrection Church in Wichita and St Mary's in Longview, TX.
Hope the rest of your weekend is peaceful. Stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Busy Day

Busy day, Catch ya on the flip flop---tomorrow!
Enjoy your weekend, stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Back to basics

Back from Mass and breakfast w/friend. Great class last night, nice visit w/out of town friend and now just me and the "boys." Most all of the snow has melted, no sun in the sky, no wind/breeze, and the temperature is bearable at 38 degrees.

Planning on picking up around the house, mopping the floor, doing the laundry, cleaning out the fireplace, bringing in firewood, and getting ready for the big weekly Sunday afternoon card game. Pinochle is the game this Sunday. Have never played it but bought the cards, am ready to learn it and enjoy the company. Lasagna and fixings are in store for the meal and lots of great laughing and chatter are in order for the entertainment.
Hope your day is great. Stay healthy, stay safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Foggy Blog

Busy day---off to Mass at the Cathedral this AM, then to Derby for my annual eye exam. Expecting overnight company with an out of town friend. Plan a meal out then off to the Spiritual Life Center for a program from 7 to 8:30pm.

It is 29 degrees, really foggy, and expected to reach the 40 to 50's today. Should be an interesting trip back from the eye Dr if the fog is still heavy and my eyes are dilated. Caution all local drivers to stay home until about 1:00pm today if still foggy outside.
Hope your day is great, stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sunshine and ...

Nice to see the sunshine.
Nice to feel the warmth of the sun.
Nice to see the ice melt.
Nice to see the dogs enjoying being outside.
Not nice seeing dogs track mud into the house.
Thankful the dogs are small.
Thankful I have water, soap, and mop to clean up after the "boys."
That's my day.
Hope your day is a healthy, happy, safe, and do keep in touch with the important people in your life.
Love, Mom

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Surprise Snow

Surprised to see the snow this AM. Fog during the night, together with the moist, cold temperatures turned all the trees white with a dust of frosting. Really beautiful. Temperature is now 29 degrees. Back from Mass, volunteering at the rectory, and walking at the Mall.

Plan to build a fire, stay close to home, and do some "office" work. That should all prove to be interesting. Did not sleep well last night and might just take a nap before the day is over. Know the "boys" will be agreeable to chilling out with their food host.
Hope you are keeping healthy, safe and in touch.
Love, Ma

Monday, January 11, 2010

Busy Day

Had a great card day yesterday. We played Pitch then moved to Blockus. It is so great to get together and do something fun on these cold chilly days. Had a nice fire going, ate supper (chili/vegetables/fruit/choc cake/ice cream) and brought it to a close around 6:00pm. Will do the same next week except menu and card game will be changed. Plan to bypass this week's (Wednesday) card game but will go next week. That's the fun of it all----you are not obligated.

Should be a nice day. Expect sun and increased temperatures. Off to Mass, walk in the Mall and back to do laundry, pick up a bit, read, and try to get in the mood to sort, shred, file, in the office. If I were a little kid I would throw myself on the floor, whine, and blubber because I hate to sort, shred, file in the office.
Hope your weekend went well. Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Oh, the weather outside is...

Think today's title should be open ended. It is 5 degrees, no wind but cold to the bone. (FYI--Pic at left is not here/mine---just liked this moose pic). Went to Church yesterday evening after the all day meeting at the Spiritual Life Center (SLC). The meeting was great, speaker was superb, and really enjoyed being away for the day. The SLC is a peaceful quiet place.

Glad I am in this AM and looking forward to card group here this afternoon. Have a busy week planned and looking forward to warmer weather.
Hope the rest of your weekend is great. Stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day of Rest

Minus 1 degree this AM. High predicted to reach 16 degrees. Glad I will be inside most of the day. How blessed we all are to have warm homes to live in.

Wanted to share some sayings I ran found while reading:
"One must never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar." (Helen Keller).
"The reward for conformity is that everyone likes you but yourself." (Rita Mae Brown).
"Yes, as my swift days near their goal, tis all that I implore: In life and death a chainless soul, with courage to endure." (Emily Bronte).

Having shared these thoughts---Will wish you the best weekend, staying warm, keeping healthy, safe, and in touch.


Friday, January 8, 2010


Temperature is 1 degree, doesn't look breezy, but haven't ventured outside---yet. Again, who gives a rip about the wind chill when it is this cold. Plan to go to Mass, run 3 errands, and back home by the fireplace before noon. The roads are good, just a few icy patches but most of the snow is off the streets.

Plan a busy weekend. Will be attending an all day class at the Spiritual Life Center on Saturday. Thanks, Becky for being at the house with the "boys" during that day. Going to have friends over to eat chili and play cards (Pitch) all day Sunday. It was so fun last week and a great cure for cabin fever.
Please stay warm, healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snow and Wind

Six degrees with a wind windchill in the minus numbers----who the heck cares when it is this cold. Snow blew most of the night and surprisingly the streets were clear. Think most of it blew and stayed on the back patio. The boys look like the National Geographic Specials of the leaping gazelles. Grooming was poorly planned this month. They are not eager to spend much time outdoors. They love snuggling at night. Occasionally, I feel like I am paralyzed or swaddled as I am unable to move due to their closeness. There is a positive side---saves on the heating bills. Had a wonderful fire going in the fireplace last night---pulled a Pop---fell asleep in the recliner, woke up at midnight. Had to laugh thinking about it.

Went to Mass this AM and back to Church at 11:00am for a Holy hour. It is the feast day of St Raymond. This saint wrote Cannon Law and lived to be 100 years old.
Walking at the Mall each day and enjoying it. Hope your day has been enjoyable, healthy, safe, and you are keeping in touch.
Love, Mom

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Go, Go, Go

Slept in yesterday (7:22am), still made it to Mass and was on the go all day until about 8:30pm.

Snow in the forecast for the next few days. Still real cold but not in single digits--yet. Plan to go to Mass, volunteer at the rectory, bring in more firewood, reload the outside back patio firewood rack, do some laundry, pick up the house, and continue with the ongoing "purgatorial" job of sorting, filing, shredding papers in my old office. Need to just get it done!
Played cards yesterday afternoon with the grandest group of ladies. We met at a restaurant, ate lunch, and played from noon to 3:30pm. There were enough present to have 5 tables. These ladies have done this for years and have it down to a science. Loved listening to the side conversations. This week was canasta, next week pitch. May just have another Sunday card game day to brush up on pitch.
Stay warm, healthy, safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Monday, January 4, 2010

Weather and Blather

Thirteen degrees, sunny, no breeze and surprisingly very tolerable to be outside. The sunrise was absolutely beautiful this AM. Glad the ride to Mass involves heading East so I could see and enjoy it. Got all snow/ice cleared from the pathways and expecting another bout of snow coming in on Wednesday.

Played cards and Mexican Train game from 1:00pm to 8:00pm yesterday. Really enjoyed the company, laughing, playing cards/games and doing something different. The "boys" were on their best behavior. I was concerned they would be all over everyone but to my surprise, they welcomed everyone and then went about their business. They even ate their supper without a big fuss. One would wonder if I make more out of their behavior than is necessary.
Planning on starting walking at the Mall with a friend. We are starting with 3 times/week then hopefully, daily. Hoping to weigh 120 lbs before winter is over. If you are out at the Mall---look for me--I will be with one with my jeans on fire---surely you have heard of the saying--"Liar, liar pants on fire." Wanted to walk to keep muscles flexible/working and keep good balance.
Hope you also stay flexible/balanced, healthy, safe, and in touch.
Love, Mom

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Snow, Blow,and Go

Having a heat wave--14 degrees, snowed last night---waiting for some daylight to get that snow blower/shovel plugged in and going to clear walkways.

Glad I went to Mass last night. Also, went downtown yesterday to tour the new Intrust Arena. Checking out the seating to see where I will sit to see Elton John and Billy Joel on March 3rd. YES, YES, YES!!!!---I got the ticket as a Christmas present.

Nice day planned today---having some friends over to play cards. Plan to fix apple crisp and just have crackers/cheese and fruit plate (also M&M's/nuts). Will probably play Canasta and break into the Mexican train game. Thinking about joining a ladies card group--they meet at a restuarant (Tuesday) weekly at 11:00am for lunch and play cards until about 3 or 4:00pm. There is a also a monthly evening meeting, one is not obligated to play each week, and as of now will try to attend 2 times month. It beats the doldrum of this cabin fever I am plagued with. I'll see how this all rolls into my "busy" schedule.

Is it Spring yet? Looking through Web plant catalogs itching to get started with the soil digging and planting. This is almost like a trip---Are we there yet???

Okay, I see daylight---must bundle up and be about my snow clearing duties. Hope your day is bright, healthy, safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Saturday, January 2, 2010

3 Dog Night

Another exciting evening last night at Ma's--sitting by the fireplace, watching rerun episodes of anything on TV and reading with the pup posse. Call it a 3 Dog Night without the band.
Eight degrees here, wind chill minus something, and expecting snow before the day is over. Off to Mass this AM and take the rest of the day as it rolls. Hoping your day rolls well, stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

Thirteen degrees, snow still on the ground (except the walkways--thanks to the snow blower), looks like more snow in the forecast. Ended 2009 with a quiet night, reading by the fireplace with 3 dogs on my lap. That's about all the excitement one can take in one evening. Planning to reload the firewood rack, read, watch some football games, and enjoy a quiet day.

Looking forward to this New Year and hope it brings a spirit of wellness to all of you.

Love, Mom