Friday, December 23, 2011

Now how great is that?

Christmas is coming and so is company---family to be exact. Now how great is that? This year has been a special family year for me----Spent summer time w/NJ grand/great grand children---visited every Braums/Sonic in town---and enjoyed lots of laughing, smiles---thanks Ms Phia and Master Ori  ( and of course LJ and Danny who made it all possible). Then a sweet niece and her delightful hubby visited this Fall. Now how great is that? Thanksgiving company from MN was wonderful----much too short but wonderful-Now how great is that? And now am expecting a wonderful Christmas visit from more family----YEA!!!!!! Now how great is that? Calls, visits, get togethers---just makes life special. Now how great is that?

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch-----better yet--come for a visit. Anytime!!!

Love, Mom

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Stockings were Hung... the chimney w/care---for if Kat had not have made and sent them---there would be no stockings there. These are work of art stockings---one for each of the house animals---Woof! Thanks Kat!

Stay healthy, safe and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Sun's Up---Ma is "Well"

I'M WELL or should I say better---anyway as you can see above I am better than a "well."

Temp was 14 degrees upon rising. I'm out and feeling is good. Went to Mass and  volunteered at rectory this AM.

Lots of time spent playing w/the "'Bobs"---they run in from the cold weather and look like they are wearing fluffy parkas. Run all over the place chasing each other and are real entertaining.

Stay healthy, safe, and stay in touch.


Monday, December 5, 2011

Cough, Sniffle, Blah...

Taking a BLOG break.

Catch ya later---in the meantime, stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Thursday, December 1, 2011

More Cleaning...

Another brisk morning, somewhat overcast and possibly expecting some moisture--rain/snow before the week is out. Mass this AM, ran an errand, home to eat, then off to St. Pat's to cover a Holy Hour, volunteer at rectory and back home to clean out more cabinets. Got only one cabinet cleaned out yesterday. Plan to get the rest of the cabinets done, then dig into the drawers and shelves.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom