Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Ma's Week

Expecting out of town family company sometime today/tonight/or early tomorrow AM..
Looking forward to the visit.

Recovering from wasp sting and possibly poison ivy--both on the same arm. Kind of resembled Popeye over the weekend. Swelling and itching was torture. Went to MD yesterday and got the "demon" shot (steroid). Cleaned house for several hours yesterday and had very restless sleep but  swelling, redness, itching minimal today. Anyone out there need their house cleaned?

Having a Mass said for the "Special Intentions of the Ashpole Family" tomorrow at St. Patrick Church at 8:00am. Have a Mass said for each of you on your birthdays. Special 50th tomorrow.

Enjoyed the cool weather last week--warming up to July standards this week. Took a butterfly pic last Sunday(see below)--that's one of the blessing of the warm weather.

Take care, stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom