Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Another 3 Dog Day

Yes! Already 64 degrees. Sunny, no wind---just a beautiful day. Went to Mass, gassed up/washed car on the way home, ate breakfast and am now OTD and DTR to run errands so I can get home and work in the flower beds.

Stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Love and TTFN, Mom

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sassy Guy

Had an interrogation session today with Spencer to ask what he was thinking when he took off Sunday. Got a lot of sass but no concrete info. (Buster is just wanting all the chatter to end). Spencer is treated like a king, has a roof over his head, a great yard/house to run free in, gets all meals/treats served in a timely manner and a king sized bed to sleep in every night. What more could you want??? I think I want to be my dog!!!!!

Back from Mass. Plan to be outside the rest of the day and enjoy the nice sunny, warm day. Note to self: Count dogs on frequent basis---should have 3.

Stayhealthy, safe, and keep in touch.


Monday, March 29, 2010

Dog on Parole

Don't call him precious----call him a felon on parole. He is a run away "boy." The back garage door was left open yesterday for what only seemed like seconds while the carpenter was putting away his tools and the "boy" bolted. Did not see him leave---but could only account for 2 dogs. Had the neighbors on alert and canvassed the entire neighborhood (both by foot and car). Finally received a call from someone to tell me they had "my sweet little dog." Naturally, it was a house with a Bar-B-Q grill in the back yard. The "boy" loves cook outs.

Other than that things are quiet here. Back from Mass, doing laundry, and having seasonal maintenance check on heating/AC today. Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Quiet Day

Off to Mass and then spend a quiet day.

Hope your day is also quiet, full of good health, staying safe, and keeping in touch.

Love, Mom

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Springing into Spring

Back from Mass, breakfast with a friend, ran errands (Sam's, Office Depot, Sam Smith's shoe repair, Leeker's) and plan a quiet day.

Worked on deck, put the bulbs and Ranunculus in the ground yesterday.

Stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Friday, March 26, 2010

Sun Up

Sun up, no breeze, looks like a great day for deck work. We'll see how it goes. Putting Nick to work w/sledge hammer and pry bar to tear off old deck seat/railing. Excited to get it done. Reminds me of all the "fun" we had tearing down the basement/storage wall w/hammers on our first house. Will be great to have full view of the backyard.

Stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Day Off

Taking a blog break. Back tomorrow.
Love, Mom

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Pulled up all of the landscape edging, dug up/moved all the plants/rocks by the back deck area, and trimmed back all the ornamental grasses in the flower gardens yesterday. Had lots of help. The "boys" ran, played, barked at everything/one that moved----we loved every minute of working in the yard/sun yesterday. Our kind of day!!

Plan Mass this AM and have lunch plans w/Taylor and possibly Nick. Looking forward to another sunny day but there is chance of rain (already misty) and even possibly a few snow flakes later in the day.

Stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sun Out, Warming Up

YES!!! Spring is here---again. Have the back doors open, listening to the birds, watching the dogs chase the squirrels, and loving the sunshine. Had to share this pic of Jax taken at his day care center on St Patirick's Day. Now, is that a cute "boy"?

Went to Mass, volunteered at the rectory, planning on doing laundry, running errands, and moving some plants...

Hope your day is full of sunshine, keeping healthy, staying safe, and keeping in touch.

Love, Mom

Monday, March 22, 2010

Officially Spring?

We did have rain, snow, wind and cold, cold temperatures. We no longer have snow on the ground, no snow in the sky, only the breeze and a 23 degree morning. Notice: not griping--just reporting. It is now officially Spring and it came with gusto.

Kicking back this week and getting caught up on some indoor stuff. Plan to go to Mass this AM (Mass being said this AM for Ken, Kelli, and Pop at 8:ooam at St. Patrick's Church in Wichita, KS). Run a couple errands, then puttz/chill out the rest of the day making calls, picking up, and hanging w/the "boys."
(Above pic: A lone varigated Crocus taken before snow storm---glad I got some flowers pics last severals weeks---the Spring flowers went south with the cold snowy days.)
Hope your day is a good start to the week--staying healthy, safe, and keeping in touch.
Love, Mom

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring is Here?

Not going to complain---even though there is snow on the ground, temp is 28 degrees, and breezy. Just thought the first day of Spring would be a little different. Did bring up some more wood to the patio rack yesterday and also have the family room wood rack full of fire wood. Glad I ordered an extra rick this year.

Thinking about fixing some soup and staying in today. Have plenty of things I can busy myself with in the house. Might just cut to the chase, go build that fire and settle in to read for awhile this AM. This is going to be an "I guess I can do anything I want to day"----as long as it is inside.
Hope your weekend is peaceful. Stay healthy, warm, safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Friday, March 19, 2010

Who da thunk?

Okay, I am really confused--nothing new but more so w/rain, 4-7" of snow, blowing snow, possibly 24 degrees this weekend and ice predicted---who wouldn't be? So is it Winter or Spring? Planning on bringing in more firewood and getting ready to settle in by the fireplace.

Got the rest of the decking lumber ordered yesterday and the previous order delivered----thank you, thank you, thank you Nick. I would still be struggling getting it off the pallets and loading it in the garage if it hadn't been for Nick's help. Thanks Becky for having Nick!!! (The pic does not do any justice to the amount of wood ----Lot of wood!)
Went to Mass this AM, waiting for the last lumbar delivery, and will officially put off starting deck until next week. Bummer!
Hope your weather is great. Stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Checking in

Busy Days--Mass, meeting w/carpenter to purchase lumber to restore back deck, run errands...Am off to another 7:00am Mass today, meet carpenter at lumber yard at 8:00am, cover an 11:00am time at Adoration Chapel, be back home to wait for PM lumber delivery. There was a 17% off sale on lumber (St Patrick's celebration sale) w/additional 5% savings applied to gift card at Sutherland's yesterday----bought most of the deck frame, concrete, etc there and will have to purchase rest at another lumber store today. Thought I heard a faint familiar refrain of "cha-ching" during yesterday's check out.

Speaking of check out (double click) --- Check out this pic of the Church I went yesterday (and today) for 7:00am Mass. It is really beautiful with all the wood and stone. Sat behind a family of 8 (Mom, Dad, the little kids ranged from approx 9 to newborn) and it brought back fond memories of our family filling up an entire pew. Think about it----this was a 7AM Mass on a weekday. The kids were so well behaved an attentive. Speaking of Mass--a Mass will be said for Pop, Ken, and Kelli on the Monday, March 22 at 8:00am at St Patrick's Church.

Have a great day. Keep healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Back tomorrow

Too busy to blog today. Be back tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Busy Day

Back from Mass, volunteered at rectory, going back to help w/funeral dinner, and then settle in w/"boys" by the fireplace.

Plan on meeting w/carpenter tomorrow to finalize/start back deck replacement/extension. No more pounding down nails, snagging socks and catching my self on the nails that are working up from the deck floor. The new boards will be secured w/screws. The deck is actually in great shape considering it is 20+ years old and has had a lot of traffic on it.
(Took some 2010 Crocus pics yesterday. Double click to see the bee and enjoy!)
Hope your day is great. Stay healthy, be safe, and stay in touch.

Monday, March 15, 2010


(2009 Spiderwort---double click for great detail)
Cool (42 degrees), overcast, moist air, breezy, and downright chilly. Went to Mass this AM and volunteered at the rectory (weeding the flower beds). Plan to do inside cleaning chores, laundry and run some errands---then evening w/"boys" in front of the fireplace.
Noticing more sprouting greenery, blooming crocus coming up though the mulch, still wanting to get the bulbs in the ground but need to wait for the ground to dry. Also, hate to dig something up while trying to plant something else.
Hope your day goes well----continueto stay healthy, safe, and in touch.
Love, Mom

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Cool, Wet, and Overcast

Okay, time change has arrived---I am moving forward---now where is Spring??? Went to Mass yesterday evening and spent the rest of the evening w/ the pup posse.

Working on re-setting all of those #%$_(__)*(%#!#! digital bargain watches. They are great to wear outside, water proof, etc but a real pain to re-set. Imagine I will look down this week and see I am on military time and have alarms going off----I really am getting better at it---call it a learned repetitive skill experience. Plan to take a nap today because I missed an hour of sleep last night.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, staying healthy, safe, and keeping in touch.

Love, Mom

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Life is Good

Ran errands and spent yesterday afternoon w/Allie. Spring break has started. Fun day---the girl is a sweetie. Got to see her prom dress/shoes---good choices Allie!!! How fun can that be to have a granddaughter call and want to hang out w/Ma???!!! Glad I got most errands completed yesterday as the town is celebrating St. Patrick's Day today. Plan Mass this AM, pick up the house, take a dog snicker tour, clean out fireplace, load more firewood and get settled for an evening of reading/TV/"boy" snuggling. Boy!!----my life is exciting!!! Really---have no complaints, am graced to be healthy and able to do the things I want and need to do. Life is good!! (2009 pic of Daffodil--Kelli sent them one year in a pot as a Spring "hostess gift." They are just now popping through the soil--will send updated pic when 2010 blooming occurs.)

Hope your weekend is peaceful---staying healthy, safe, and keeping in touch.
Love, Mom

Friday, March 12, 2010

Busy Day

Off to Mass, run errands, straighten up garage/garage cabinets, get garden implements in order, and do the flower garden dance. The dance goes on forever---either in my feet (touring the yard/garden space) or head (thinking/planning). Just another certifiable Ma event. (2009 Dappled Willow pic)

Hope your day is great---staying healthy, being safe, and keeping in touch. Get that weekend going---Spring is just around the corner!!!
Love, Mom

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Just Chillin

Making my list and checking it twice---Know that Spring is around the corner and that is so nice!!! Walk around the yard a couple of times a day and cannot believe the changes in just a matter of hours. Love Spring!

Looks like another rainy, overcast day---Heading off to Mass, then back home to pick up the house, bake some cookies, bring in more dry firewood, and get ready to settle in for the rest of the day---even thinking a nap may be in order. Need to rest up for Spring and time change. Add retirement to that list above---think it is also nice. Just need to stay on the task at hand and stay in the present---more exact stay in the Presence of the present.
Hope your day is not overcast. Stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Cool here this AM. Waiting for the ground to dry out to get those bulbs planted. Stopped by one of my favorite neighborhood greenhouses yesterday, scoped out the hanging baskets, and talked w/the owner about new plant arrivals. Planning on replacing the wood on the back deck this Spring. Will meet w/carpenter this AM to purchase materials and possibly get it started by next week. Will be nice not to have to pound nails down all summer. The new wood will be secured w/screws.
Great visit w/out of town friend--did a little shopping, lots of visiting, nice dinner and home to catch up on American Idol and House Hunters. Plan to go to Mass this evening at neighborhood church, more American Idol and possibly some reading. Have been filing for a friend---did some last week, this week and will possibly finish up next week. Will then plan to do it on a regular weekly/monthly basis. (Extra income=more plants).
That's my stuff---hope your stuff includes staying healthy, being safe, and keeping in touch.
Love, Mom

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Spring and stuff

Went to SLC for Harvest House (old folks) Lenten Retreat this morning, then stopped at the rectory to volunteer for an hour. Having a friend spend the night. The weather is wonderful. Warm, everything is greening up and I am wanting to get those bulbs put in the ground. The ground is a little too wet and do not want then to rot.

Hope your day goes well, staying healthy, safe, and keeping in touch.


Monday, March 8, 2010

It's On

Stopped by a greenhouse just to look around on the way home from Mass/breakfast on Saturday. Looking for seedlings to start an herb garden on the front porch. Did not find herbs but found/bought the most beautiful Ranunculus and packets of Liatris, Croscomia, and varieties of Asian lily bulbs. The bulbs can be put in the ground now and will enjoy the Ranunculus on the kitchen windowsill until warm enough to set in the ground.
S/W Phia on the phone yesterday morning. She was taking Lindsay's calls. Visited with her for a short while then she told me she was busy and had to hang up. Either I bored her or she got busted for answering her Mom's cell phone. Really was a treat for me to visit with her.
Enjoyed the post wrestling lunch/dinner date w/Kevin, Matt, Michael, Allison, and Alex yesterday. Was great visiting and getting an update on all of their activities.
Off to Mass, run some errands, and do what I do best---nothing serious or scheduled today.
Hope your day is what you do best---staying healthy, being safe, and keeping in touch.
Love, Mom

Sunday, March 7, 2010


There shall be flowers---Spring flowers. Could not pass up the opportunity to capture a little of Spring. Walked through the flower beds at different times yesterday while on Dog Snicker Patrol and saw this patch of Crocus. (Double click--used my new camera). It was like a Disney slow motion grow scene---by evening the tulips were making their appearance. Can hardly wait to get back from Mass and take another tour.

Quiet day planned. Have spent too much time in doors and want to go out and "play" in the yard. Will survey things today and make my To Do list---can cross Dog Snicker pick up off the list. That was a real job since the "droppings" had been buried in snow all winter. Thank God for little dogs.

Have a great day, staying healthy, safe, and keeping in touch.

Love, Mom

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Sunshine ordered

Barking/outside "boys", fresh air, and a sunny Spring day in the works. Going to Mass this AM, work in the flower garden area, put finish touches to the fence painting, and just enjoy being outside in the sunshine.
Hope your weekend is great staying healthy, safe, and keeping in touch. (HB Terry!!!)

Love, Mom

Friday, March 5, 2010

March 4th

Someone sent this to me yesterday without knowing what day it was for our family.
The wisdom of Pop strikes again!

Today is March 4th. It is the only day of the year that is a command.

As I sit here and spend a few minutes reflecting on this day and its instruction I have to think that it is a little secret buried in our calendar. This day is giving me a clue as to how I should live my life for the rest of the year. The word march implies movement at a steady cadence. Marching forth means moving out…not standing still. This day is telling me that marching at a steady cadence is better than running through life because I am likely to miss part of life if I run through my days. Time never stands still and neither should I at least not if I wish to accomplish anything or wish to make each day count. So this day tells me to not stand still but to get going and accomplish something…to march forth.


Good Stuff: Jax is 3 years old today. Terry will be slightly older than that tomorrow. Plan my usual day day of going to Mass and putt--zing about doing housekeeping chores, running errands, doing some filing for a friend etc. Watching Spring work its way into town and loving being out in it--fresh air, sun shine, warmer temperatures, seeing plants popping up through the mulch....Great stuff!!!!

Hope your stuff is also good, staying healthy, being safe, and keeping in touch.
Love, Mom

Thursday, March 4, 2010


What a year 2009 turned out to be for our family. You all played an integral part in Pop's life and I can assure you that each of you did it right. The care and concern each of you expressed and demonstrated meant so much to Pop. Have such warm thoughts of the time spent with Pop. Remember him saying "I've had a good life" in the throes of his last days, never heard a complaint pass those lips, heard him praise each and everyone of you, and watched him peacefully leave our presence on this day a year ago. He did have a good life---each of you were part of it---how much more could one ask for? You are a treasure to me and he is a legend to all of us. (Taylor and I are attending Mass this AM at Church of the Resurrection--know you will have Pop in your thoughts and prayers today.)

Love, Mom

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Back from Mass, off for a road trip to Haven, KS to take the car in for maintenance checkup, and plan to paint the fence this afternoon if it is not windy. Slightly overcast, 38 degrees and Spring is officially 17 days away.
Going to go to the Billy Joel and Elton John concert this evening with Keith and Becky. Looking forward to a great evening.
Hope your day is great. Stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.
Love, Mom

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sun's Out

Sun's out. Ma's out in the yard stirring up leaves/mulch and loving it.

Hope your day is full of sunshine---staying healthy, safe, and keeping in touch.
