Friday, March 28, 2014

What's Up?!

Sharing pics of 2014 Spring Crocuses. Just wish the colors were more realistic. They have such a beautiful purple hue to them. Checked the flower beds today and seeing all kinds of activity popping out of the ground. I was in such a toot to get all of the beds  cleaned out and am now idle until it warms up enough to start the Spring planting/mulching. Should have the sprinklers cleaned out and running in a couple of weeks. The "boys" are luving being out of doors and running around the yard.

Had the best week. A dear friend from FL was in town for a couple of days. Amazing how distance/years make no difference in a great friendship. Very sad and a little tearful to see her leave today.

Going to Stations of the Cross tonight and then out to eat. Plan on a quiet weekend. Stay healthy, safe and keep in touch.

Love, Mom

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