Saturday, July 4, 2009

Fun at Ma's--Enter the Contest

Decided to celebrate the 4th with photos (of course) and have some fun with you.

Here is the fun--just enter the contest:
Be the first to find and name the dogs in the pictures and then find out what the the person etched on the rock is up to. Describe in detail and send your replies as soon as possible, all are eligible to win, prizes awarded to all who participate in Ma's world.
Contest prize: A stay at Ma's place anytime, including free lodging and meals. This offer is open throughout the year(s). Amenities: (Maddie, towels in the guest room), comfortable beds, good company, lots of hugs, lots of laughs, all the chocolate chip cookies you can eat, pumpkin pie with Cool Whip for breakfast, over 400 channels on too many TV's, all day card games, and many more exciting things--too numerous to include at this time. Activities: Starting at 5:00am--Bird watching/photo shoots/corralling barking dogs/herding (possibly even shooting) unwanted rabbits out of the flowers, walks without/with "boys", followed by a hearty eat all you can breakfast. A field trip planned through Ma's flowers for a weed pulling contest (prizes to be determined and participants must demonstrate positive attitude, good form, ability to fill weed continers to brim in a timely manner, and condition of the flowers that were not to be pulled at the end of this contest. In addition and weather permitting there will be lawn mower and weed eater races followed by construction of a new flower bed using only large rocks (generously provided by Ma). There may be more exciting activies added as time allows. Hopefully, for entertainment we will have our basement window well disappearing acrobat, a "wiggle wiggle"dancer in frog boots, her famous cookie eating brother, a red headed tiara wearing diva, mid air soccer player demo, coloring contest winner, and numerous other forms of fun.
Please enter the contest but most of all stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch,


Kat said...

buster (my toys, mine, mine mine, all mine!)
spencer (aka winnie the sphincter, it that poo I smell?)
rowdy (why is he squinting?)
and Lindsay's probably sewing, baking, gardening or loving on her kids

Just Ma said...

YOU WON!!!!!!!! Come on down!!!!