Friday, July 31, 2009

Flowers and stuff

Remember when I mentioned ornamental grasses? He is Mondo grass (Lirope), changes colors from black to iridescent purple/green shades, has delicate flowers and is a nice addition to the flower garden this year. (Click to see the spent flower pods)

Have a busy day planned--Off to Mass, volunteer at the rectory, take Rowdy to the Vet for yearly checkup, back to rectory for more volunteering (w/Allison), and hopefully early to bed this PM.

Mentioned the heritage flowers. Have spent a lot of time in the flower garden this summer and have noticed more details in all the flower/plants. Take a (click) look at this Marigold----the petals are so beautifully curled----looks like it is dressed in fabric to prance down a fashion runway.

Please take care, stay healthy, be safe, and keep in touch.


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