Saturday, July 11, 2009

My quest

Addendum: Okay here is the scenario---Keith and I both tried and tried to start the lawn mower last night---the thing would not start!!!!! I am driving home from Church this AM and think to myself---what would be the likelihood---(I am in casual/dressy clothes, good shoes)---that the lawnmower would start since I am not prepared to mow? Just to prepare for the expected/unexpected I did open up the garage door. It started on the first attempt!!!!! Guess it thought it was too hot to mow yesterday. Finished mowing, showering, am decked out in my Kiss Me Kate clothes and ready to go see Richie and Trae.

Took a post mowing picture to share with you. Something good should come from my ranting----thus sharing the flowers. Also noted a dog rear end at the mid left portion of pic(double click)---Whoever names the dog will be put in the drawing for the July 4th special at Ma's.

Love, Mom

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