Saturday, July 18, 2009

Morning Glory Day

It is 62 degree this AM and perfect day for picture taking. I have all the windows open and am enjoying the cool morning. The morning glories are beeeauuuutiful this AM. The bonus is--they are all volunteers.

Found out the deposit had to be made 04/15/2009 for the trip to Rome. E-mailed the travel agency this AM to ask if there are anymore openings. Hopefully, they will respond and it can happen--if not----there will be another time.

This is a patch of ornamental grass by the porch. The color varies from tinges of purple, grayish green to dark green. It move so beautifully in the breeze and is not overwhelming like some grasses. Have planted several areas of ornamental grasses this spring.

Had a great phone visit with Bruce last night. He is staying busy, working, taking care of Jax, hiking, reading, playing the piano, etc.

Planning on Mass this AM, go with Allison to the Food Handler's class, possibly take her to lunch, pick up the house, yada, yada, yada...

I plan to be healthy, stay safe, and keep in touch---hope you do also!


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