Monday, July 20, 2009

Thought I'd share a Liatris and another Gerbera Daisy. Could describe the Liatris as a "bottle brush" type plant. It is very drought tolerant and the foliage is nice when not in bloom. Have it planted near some orange Croscomia and Gerbera Daisies---talk about colorful when they are all in bloom.

Only the floor of the shed remains. Jim plans to get several people over later today (weather permitting) to lift and carry it to his house. Kevin is making a metal arbor that will be placed the shed space. I am real excited to move some of my shade plants to that area. May even get some stones and make a path--kind of like flagstone--possible gravel to the arbor. Started painting the firewood racks yesterday and will place them by the back fence.

It is 70 degrees this AM, lightning in the sky, and good potential for rain. Planned to mow today---maybe later. Going to Mass, count the collection, pick up the house and finish painting the firewood racks.

With all that being said--keep good thoughts in your hearts this week, stay healthy, safe, and keep in touch.

Love, Mom


Terry said...

Hey...that's the same daisy as on July 17th. We really do read your blog. Love you. Terry

Just Ma said...

It is still blooming---Cannot believe that the blooms have lasted so long. Some of them were actually volunteers from last winter.

Just Ma said...

Actually checked---same flower---different pic/view.