Monday, August 3, 2009

Flowers and stuff

Had a nice quiet weekend, took some AM /PM flower pics, read, caught up on some DVR TV, even took an afternoon nap w/the "boys."

AM pic of a Gerbera Daisy. The daisy's keep blooming. Have to catch them before the rabbits chew the stems into. Can tell you there may be some upcoming pics of rabbits in repose if this continues. Will give warning ahead of time so you can use your discretion before viewing--at least they are not deer. Rabbit carcases are easy to toss---do not know if I would be up to lugging a deer to the field.

PM pic of same Gerbera Daisy. Still standing. Love taking the pics at different times of the day. Just love having the daisy still being there at end of day---thanks to a reduced population of rabbits----Hmmmm, must be a copper plague that is striking them down.

The medication is helping Rowdy. He did not have one episode of panhandling--I mean pain--all day yesterday. Have to make myself a check off list to make sure he gets the right meds and at the right times. Gee---back to nursing!

Busy day/busy week. Helping w/school enrollment for 3 days, doing some volunteering at the rectory, then will be at a conference Fri thru Sun.
Please stay healthy, be safe, have a great week, and stay in touch.

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