Saturday, August 15, 2009

Snapdragons and watch dogs

Noted some of the annual flowers are beginning to fade, foilage drying up a bit, and most likely getting ready to call it another year. On the other hand some of the annuals wait to shine----thus the snapdragon. Have started pulling up some of the spent plants and will soon begin the winter leaf mulch. Don't fret--I now have over 1300+ flower pics and will be sending them in the blog throughout the winter.

The watch dogs----guessing they are looking for rabbits or keeping an eye on Spencer. Love these little "guys" and am never a moment without them. It is real difficult to catch them standing still and all together thus the pic sans Spencer.
Hope your weekend is great and restful. I am going to Mass, meeting some gals for breakfast, hauling more rocks, reading, and doing anything I want to do---because I can. Do the healthy, safe, in touch thing and remember--I love you, Mom.

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